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Drifting Petal Drifting Petal Just outside Great Forks, two young women begin a trek. Horseless, carriage-less, and gormless, the shinier one leads from the front, her silvery paramour's hand in hers. She moves at an exaggerated march, whistling as she goes, putting distance between herself and the great city of Great Forks. When the city gates are out of sight, Petal comes to a halt, turning on her heel to look at Argent Princess with what is, perhaps, the most serious look on her face she's had in weeks.

"Himiko," she begins, taking both of Princess' hands in hers, brow furrowed in worry. "Which way is The East?"

Argent Princess Argent Princess is obviously the sort of woman who prefers a sedate pace, and is practically dragged along by some aeons spanning bond that is forged and sealed by her tiny delicate hand entwined in Drifting Petal's strong grip. She keeps glancing back over her shoulder, her elegantly made-up face seeming to find some measure of consternation, silvery-pink lips pursing with concern, her wind-swept silvery curls trailing behind them as they forge their way into a headwind. When they finally stop she seems breathless for non-physical reasons and peeks up to return the very very serious look with one of her own, tottering a little in her high-heeled geta.

"East?" She asks, as if it were not what they had been discussing for days, weeks, practically since they got to Great Forks. This seems to bear for more thought than one would guess. "Do you still have that leaf?" She asks, apropos of nothing. "The very good one..." She clarifies, since there have been many leaves since the first.

Drifting Petal Drifting Petal reaches into Himiko's own obi, invasively tucking her hand all up in there with no care for what it musses, and retrieves the very leaf of which the Lunar speaks. She holds it up with some odd level of reverence, still not entirely getting it, but her beau seems to like it, so she does too.

"Of course! I stored it in the safest place I could think of, other than, well, eating it." She beams happily at this, though, as she looks around, her confidence starts to wane. She's utterly and completely lost.

Argent Princess Argent Princess seems utterly and completely stunned for a moment, her pale cheeks coloring as she tries to remember just when Petal could have possibly hidden that there, the moment she gets it she turns a new shade of pink and clears her throat and stifles an almost girlish giggle, her stormy eyes growing less cloudy as she peeks up at Petal almost shyly.

"Eating it? That might have worked." She says, the thoughtful statement flavored more with mirth than humor. She teasingly lifts the leaf to brush it against Petal's face. It's starting to dry. Its perfection waning. Without any sort of ceremony she releasing the stem from her grip and lets it fly free into the wind. Rather than blowing away erratically it unerringly flies and flattens wind-pinned into the trunk of a near-by tree, back towards the city. But Princess barely notices that, she's distracted by the sound of a jangling armor and marching feet approaching from the East.

Drifting Petal Drifting Petal seems to blush a little bit as the leaf is taken, but her eyes follow its path as Princess releases it from her hands. The sound of the armor and marching snaps her out of it quick, though, and she whirls towards the target - one hand flies to the hilt of one of her swords, ready to draw, and she shuffles so that she's exactly between Himiko and the approaching troops.

It is revealed, of course, that it's just a few soldiers - six, perhaps, at the most - making their way home after some campaign. Petal, to her credit, however, does not stand down. She actually bumps into Himiko a little bit as she shifts position, watching the soldiers as they approach and ensuring she's in the optimal place for defense. Her grip on her sword loosens, maybe just a little, when she counts the soldiers, but like a dog with its hackles up, she isn't quick to settle down.

Argent Princess Argent Princess drifts a little out of defensive position as she's bumped and corralled by Petal's Vigilant Girlfriend Prana. She's unconcerned enough to take a few steps to snatch the leaf back, and tuck it back where Petal had hidden it before with a sort of resignation as if that being the place for it were some undeniable truth now.

Like some storybook picture, the two of them pose at the side of the road, Petal defensive and coiled for action, Princess with a calm and welcoming smile befitting a hostess welcoming guests on a lazy afternoon in place far before they could possibly even see it. Push and pull.

Drifting Petal The soldiers finally take notice of the pair and start to approach, prompting a new round of bristling from Petal. Two of them are drunk, surely, by the way they sway, and an older gentleman leads them, taking off his helmet and setting a warning hand on his sword. He calls out to the two, specifically, to Princess:

"Is this bandit botherin' you, miss?"

Argent Princess Argent Princess looks around for a bandit, her long feathery eyelashes batting slowly. "Petal is there a bandit?" She asks, as if she were used to missing these things. She trails a hand down the back of Drifting Petal's arm as she peeks around her back at the soldiers, possibly the most bandit-like thing in sight. She dazzles them a second smile.

"Greetings, travelers from the east. What tidings do you bring?" She asks, the last thought slipping away in the headwind of more pressing thoughts.

Drifting Petal Drifting Petal slowly relaxes as Princess speaks to the soldiers, eventually returning to a more neutral pose... though her eyes are still narrowed, her stance still a bit aggressive. She looks at the soldiers, who relax in turn, and as they answer, Petal seems to understand what's what.

"Successful campaign, I think," says the elder leader. He smiles, looking off in the direction of the city. "Just happy to be home, really."

Argent Princess Argent Princess takes a moment to count the soldiers, and smiles wider. She steps out from around Petal and spreads her arms out, her trailing sleeves spreading out with far too much majesty for the situation.

"Oh. You're back." She says, relieved. "Petal, do you have any Mochi for them? I believe you only ate sixteen of the twenty two pieces you took..." She says, charming. "We can get more, we're going back." She mollifies before she has to.

Drifting Petal Drifting Petal jerks back as one of Princess' hands whacks her in the side of the head. She rubs at where she was hit, looking over the men again, then the realization hits her. She digs in her robes, here, there, everywhere, then manages to fish out three pieces of squished, warm mochi, which she brings to the lead soldier and holds out in the palm of her hand.

"Oh, yeah! Your daughter was really upset! I ate a LOOOOOOOOOT of her mochi."

Argent Princess Argent Princess counts the three Mochi and narrows her gaze with a bit of consternation, looking around and behind them as if Petal might have dropped some. Her little foot lifts as if to stomp in consternation at the constant chaos and miscalculation Petal introduces into every situation.

"Yes..." She says, composing herself with so much gentle love and effort, just about as sweet and crumpled as the Mochi. "Have you satisfied the conditions of your debt? Can you return to your business?" She presses, this poor man so far unable to get a word in edgewise.

Drifting Petal He holds his hands up, trying to calm the two women from haranguing him from any other questions. He answers, between laughs, "Yes, yes. It was not such a debt, after all. I only cooked for them," he says, a big smile on his face. "No danger at all."

Petal, for her part, seems deeply disappointed by this. She slumps, her hair seems to lose luster, her eyes turn a sad little gray, and she leans against Princess for support. "So you... don't need us to rush in and rescue you from a violent battlefield...?"

Argent Princess Argent Princess wraps her arms around Drifting Petal to cradle the much larger woman awkwardly, dragging her long silvery fingernails against her scalp as she whispers a soft cooing encouragement.

"Oh, that's good." She says, seeming just as stunned though more amused than crestfallen. "Well, very good then. We will have to come see you in your shop soon... Do not forget to make an offering at the shrine before you open up again." She says, as if knowing a pious statement might cheer Petal up. "We have great need of candy..." She adds, sounding like a very serious little girl, imperious and queenly and completely juvenile.

Drifting Petal Drifting Petal sniffles, but she's slowly starting to cheer up. At the mention of shrines and candy, she does properly perk back up, a little strand of hair popping up on the top of her head. She loks to Princess, then to the candy-maker. She pauses for a moment, then realizes she should probably do SOMETHING, and affects a cute little bow. "Thank you for all the candy you're going to make us!"
Argent Princess Argent Princess laughs softly and elegantly dips in time with Drifting Petal, a much more sparing motion filled with courtly elegance, smiling graciously as the man's absolutely confounded expression swells to new heights, his companions glancing between them as if suddenly wondering about the celebrity of their cook. From far off in the west a black cat looks on from a place concealed in some bushes, turning and padding off back the way it came with a satisfied swish of it's slender tail. Unseen as the group turns to go the same way.