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Orchid Blossom Blue opium smoke twists through the rafters, many booted feet stamp in time with the music on the sawdust-covered floor. The Immoral Dragon is not a classy establishment, but it is the sturdiest building in stone's throw in the Firewander district. A wailing flute and hammered dulcimer are nearly dorwned out by the crowd as up on a small stage are several dancers. Like most of the serving women here they are scantily clad, in fact some curtained rooms lie off to the side, and there's more than just hints that the women here might be selling themselves. This place truely is a den of depravity.

Up on the stage however, one young woman is dancing the Seven Veils. Already two veils, one a gauzy white shawl, the next a long red sash lie on the stage at her feet. Men are wolf-whistling, a shout goes up from the crowd 'Take it off Orchid!' The dancer doesn't alter her dance, an orange veil twirling cirlces about her.

Wind An armed man in armour opens the door and enters followed by another each with a tattered green sash around their waists then a woman steps in, her dog eared uniform contrasted strongly by the beautiful golden bow slung across her back. Four more soldiers follow her as they take a table towards the back of the tavern she barely gives the dancers a second look, the men are interested but disciplined enough to not get distracted. She motions over a server and orders a round of drinks for the table.
Orchid Blossom Orchid Blossom might have been paying most attention to the men watching her, but she scans the newcomer and directs herself to face the bow-carrying woman directly. That bow looks expensive, likely magical, Orchid Blossom dances facing toward the money. Her pace quickens, she twirls, feet pattering in rapid succession on the stage, then her orange sash sails through the air, arching gracefully down to.... miss the necomer and land on the floor beside her. Three layers are shifted briefly to thse side and the crowd roars, It seems the dancer is quite happy to ignore the rules of the dance and show the wares briefly before the dance is over.
Wind Wind's eyes follow the sash but pays it little mind she turns to her crew, "At ease, enjoy yourselves but stay in earshot" A couple of the men begin to pay more attention to the dance joinging the crowd in stamping their feet, the other two women seem less interested and chat with Wind over the drinks. Wind keeps an eye on the dancer suspecting the thrown sash wasn't coincidental but continues talking to her crew.
Orchid Blossom Orchid Blossom's motions become more sinuous, swaying now rather than twirling, her lips press together as she intensifies the eroticism of her dance. Soon the yellow and green silks are on the floor, only blue about her top and purple about her hips. A serving-maid brings move to the archer's table to clear up drinks, then a blue silk veil settles over the maid's head, to the roar of the crowd, Orchid now standing one hand on hre hip, wearing only the purple. The Fae-blooded woman dips a curtsy, a shower of coins landing on the stage.
Wind As th dance finishes Wind nudges one of her men and motions toward the dancer he nods and amidst the jingling of coins there's a few distinct clicks as he throws a reasonably generous scattering of jade obols. the soldiers join in the cheering as Wind sits back taking deep drain from the tankard placing her feet up on the table.
Orchid Blossom The dancer seems startled by the valuable coins, a weeks's work, and in a single day. She snaps her fingers and a bouncer hurries up, gathering the coins, putting them into a stout iron lockbox he carries under his watchful eye. The young woman descends from the stage, a bouncer at her shoulder, keeping the audience from actually touching the woman. A stout oaken cudgel seems to keep them behaved - at least this early in the night. The topless dancer makes her way over to the archer's table. "I thank you for your generosity, a king's ransom." Her voice has the musical accents of Great Forks. "Do you wish me to join you?"
Wind Wind eyes the woman up and down tring to get a measure of her before replying "Depends on the King there's many I wouldn't give shekel for, you're welcome though." She turns to one of her soldiers "Jorin, give the lady a seat." looking back "If you'd care to join us you're welcome to." she gives warning look to her crew to behave themselves.
Orchid Blossom Orchid Blossom's eyes twinkle. "Mostly I end up sitting in someone's lap when I offer to sit with them. I thank you for your courtesy, Orchid Blossom, humbly at your service." The dancer dips a deep curtsy, watching Wind's guards, seeing that she has their eye. She'd be awfully disappointed if she did not. "How may I serve our honored guests today?" there's a certain warmth to her tone, the woman seems to be a professional.
Wind "My name is Wind and this is my crew, well some of them." Wind takes another drink from the mug before continuing "Well tell me Blossom what services do you offer?" She adjusts her bow before sitting back a confident smile on her face as she meets Blossom's eyes.
Orchid Blossom "I can sing, dance, and play various stringed instruments, as well as warm your bed. All of those at once might be beyond me however." Orchid Blossom says this without the hint of a blush. "I'm sure if you've other things you'd want me to do we could discus it."
Wind Wind's eyes don't leave Blossoms nor does the smile, "Quite the skill set, well sadly my bread isn't buttered on that side but I wouldn't say no to some music" Then Wind seems to remember something she turns to one of the women with her, "Lin, I need you to go check on Mia I'm expecting a delivery" The woman sighs as she drains her tankard before leaving and the rest of the soldiers avoid catching Wind's eye in case she sends them away as well.
Orchid Blossom Orchid Blossom lets out a laugh. "With how much you already paid me I misjudged you. Perhaps if you need to offer your guards a... performance bonus..." She winks to the more handsome of the men. "But certainly, music it shall be. A heroic epic? A walking song? A hymn to Seven Veil's Falling? That one is really quite popular here, and I'm dressed for it already. Or more like undressed." The beckons the bouncer over once more. "Be a dear and fetch my lute." The man makes his way to a back room.
Wind Wind rolls her eyes "You boys can fight it out between yourselves but that's between you and her keep me out of it, as far as the music goes let's say it's dealer's choice.
Orchid Blossom "Him first, unless you boys like to share. But I think before that, I owe you a song. Shall I sing to you the epic of Thousand Spines Porcupine?" Orchid Blossom strikes up a dramatic chord, but the song quickly devolves into the antics of a haples would-be bandit, and the way that though he remained uncaught, his misdeeds always fell short of earning him even a silver dinar.
Wind Wind sits listening to the song and appluads once it's finished as do the crew. "A masterful performance Blossom and a rather apt choice of song. Tell me how is it that one with such talents finds herself...let's say working in a bar in Firewander?" Wind leans back once more meeting Blossoms eyes.
Orchid Blossom "Well for starters, I really do enjoy men too much." Orchid Blossom winks, but sitting here topless in more or less a brothel there's some truth behind her jest. "I'd sooner make coin selling myself, than make a slaver coin selling me. I've no talent with a bow or blade, and not got the size to indimidate. I thought that not having a slave collar about my neck was rather an accomplishment."
Wind Wind raises an eyebrow "There's much to be said for freedom I know that well enough and I've killed enough slavers that there's few who would question my opinion of them but I suppose we all find our victories where we can." Wind looks over to see Lin in the doorway signalling her and she moves to stand "Well I have busines to attend to it appears, I'll leave this lot in your care if you don't mind and it's been a pleasure Blossom"
Orchid Blossom Orchid Blossom rises from her seat. "An honor to meet you Wind. Perhaps some day it will be the Epic of Wind that I sing, though less humorous than that one." The young woman gives a deep bow. "And I do hope your guards enjoy their performance bonus." She winks, then offers hre arm to the guard who caught her eye.