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Tiziri The House of Learning - exactly the sort of place to attract the attention of any scholarly sort around. Today that includes a young woman with somewhat messy hair with feathers in it and altogether more fine looking clothes. Ardent Vagabond is carrying a spear (with its blade sheathed) as she walks through one of the libraries at the university, one full of Old Realm texts about any number of subjects. Right now, she seems to be slowly reading titles, eyes wide the whole time she does, looking impressed.
Misa There are any manner of reasons one might be in a library- quite uncommon are the ones leading one to obscure texts on the occult and the ways of dealing with malfean creatures. Yet one such person is also here, already reading through a book- a translation of an ancient text, from Old realm to High. Littered with annotations, it seems the translation is far from perfect, but this hardly seems to be slowing the reader down.

She looks Lookshyan, quiet and withdrawn in stance even without speaking up. She flips through pages at a fair pace, thoroughly intent on the book- yet there is yet a slight shift in her stance suggesting awareness of the approach of Ardent.

Lin It's into this quiet setting that, well, in steps Lin! She's familiar with the library, the caretakers have certainly gotten used to her presence by now, but her sprightly and enthusiastic trek across the library turns the eyes of a few readers who probably are wondering what she's so excited about.

They just don't know her well enough, 'cuz she's always like that.

Her adventure brings her to a series of shelves and some tables and the tables... are occupied. A coupld glances over one reader's shoulder, then a small trek over the other...

Eventually this leaves her about eight feet from Misa. She leans into the table and smoothly announces, "It's not every day I find two people readin' stuff written in ancient tongues... or translated." Her tone's friendly and hopeful. Perhaps that's also a 'hoping she isn't bothering them.'

Tiziri Ardent Vagabond stops then has her attention stolen by one that seems to be about a certain group of traveling spirits back in the Shogunate. In other words, it's old. She is being very careful with it, paging away at it, her spear resting against her shoulder as she does. The voice of Lin speaking to Misa does catch her attention briefly, and she looks over towards the other two, regarding them for a moment or two, a thoughtful look on her face as though something just came to mind before she held it back, at least for the moment.
Misa Misa's eyes slide over well before Lin actually speaks, her brow raising slightly at the address. "It is rare, perhaps- but perhaps not so unusual as this form of address in a library." Her voice is soft, quiet, though it's perhaps hard to tell if that's due to the locale or due to her nature. She closes the book for the moment, lowering it to her side as she considers Lin.

"Are you looking to read this yourself, perhaps?" she ventures, head tilting to the side slightly as she asks.

Talon The door to the library swings open and admits the burly figure of one Deos Talon. The big man comes ambling in, hands clasped primly behind his back and a warm smile creasing his bearded features. He offers a friendly nod to the librarian on duty. "Good day, miss. Just here to peruse the volumes," he rumbles in his pleasant baritone voice.

Pleasantries given, he turns his attention to the shelves of books, lifting a hand to rub his beard thoughtfully as he considers each treatise in turn. His attention, however, gets drawn by the talk of ancient texts. He can't help but satisfy his curiosity, and his ambling gait takes him in that direction. He leans over to scan the page, perking a shaggy black brow. "Oh! Is that the Ballad of Heng Da, Traveling Choi, and Merry Kyubi? A classic tale. From the time of Shogun Toshiro's reign, if I'm remembering my classics correctly."

Lin "Oh no, it's all yours." Lin slightly bows her head and flashes a little smile at Misa. "I'm looking for things covering relatively recent history. Last few centuries, roughly covering the Hundred Kingdoms region..."

A historical topic that is a headache for actual historians, given how rife with conflict that place is...

Hearing a familiar voice though gets her swinging her attention around and fixing straight on... "Well, word IS that the House of Learning hosts the biggest library in... well, probably one of the biggest period. You want more you'd have to be looking at like... Lookshy, the Blessed Isle or... places best not gone to."

Tiziri Given Talon seems to have noticed her book, the young woman with feathers in her hair looks over towards the man, "Aye, I love these sorts of texts for how they can give us a window back then. And sometimes even offhandedly mention someplace I might still be able to go to." She smiles to him.

Then it seems Ardent Vagabond is unable to hold back, the young woman is smiling rather wryly and says towards Misa and Lin. "Exactly the sort of place to find things like that, and people studying that. Have you tried any travel guides yourself? They often add lots of things the official histories tend to ignore. All it takes is a mention of how whatever city was a thriving market before someone there insulted someone else and we get an idea of how a war started."

Misa The other brow raises for Misa, and she holds up the heavy tome she's holding- rather, it is a rather dry treatise on a history of yozi cults in the river province during the Shogunate era. When she looks behind her, her general awareness finally shows a crack, as she nods slightly seeing that Ardent there was the one being addrerssed. She steps out of the way, back against the shelves for the moment.

"You may need to go to more places than just this for -that- history, truly. And compare conflicting accounts beyond."

Talon Talon nods his head with a soft chuckle. "Indeed, just the sort of thing to inspire any number of fantastic adventures, isn't it?" he says. "Just the sort of thing to get farmboys and milkmaids out of their humdrum lives and into something exciting, incredible, and quite possibly life-threatening. But I'm content being a simple physician. -Someone- has to be around to mend their wounds when they come limping home, nay?"

He glances over at Misa, and squints at the tome she holds. "I say. That looks like about as much fun as watching paint dry," he says wryly. "Yozi cults. Hrmph. There's -so- many better things one might do with their time, I should think."

Lin It is only when Lin manages to get a good look at the title of Misa's book that her eyes actually widen a bit. "Now that's a curious thing to be focused on. You wouldn't happen to have actually encountered one...?" A moment later though she nods and sprouts a sheepish smile. "Probably, but gotta start somewhere. Though... doesn't need to be fully accurate. Just need to figure out the overall shift in production and flows of goods and how the Guild changed it all around..."
Tiziri "I live for what comes around the next bend." Ardent Vagabond responds with a wider grin in her very obviously not local accent - shades of the southeast should such be recognized. "As long as it isn't bandits or worse, it makes my travels a lot easier." She turns the page carefully, looking up at Misa now with Talon talking about the content. The feather haired young woman raises a brow at it. "A dangerous subject. But definitely the sort of thing I hope isn't around the next bend too."
Misa A little bit confused- perhaps even amused- by Talon and Lin's questions, Misa shakes her head a little. "Cults centered on demons and the like are my stock and trade- I make a profession in investigation, and a particular expertise in those sorts of targets," she explains, glancing down at the book again. "It can hardly hurt to be as read as possible."

She waves it off, for now. Though to a clever ear, having heard her speak some now... she may also be from the southeast, despite her appearance. She suppresses it passably, and she has been gone for some time, but traces remain in the way some vowels and softer consonants are formed. "But- I would not expect overmuch just this moment, around Great Forks, to set people at ease."

Lin "A demon hunter." Lin blurts, jaw dropping a bit later as if she hadn't quite expected on ever running into one. "Not just anyone can go up against them. That takes a lot of skill... and other talents. Pretty sure demons'd have a hard time getting anywhere in a city like this though."

Then she looks over her shoulder at Talon. "Watching paint dry my ass, mine's much more boring than hers!"

Talon "Ahh, I see now," Talon says, nodding his head as understanding dawn. "Well, that's all well and good. Not precisely the sort of thing -I- would do. I'm a doctor, not an exorcist. If it's exorcism you're wanting, you'll need an priest for that. Though I can certainly say, when it comes to certain ailments, one -might- be hard-pressed to tell the difference!" He laughs amusedly, looking over at Lin. "Oh? How so?"
Tiziri Ardent Vagabond's raised brow turns to more wide eyes than anything. "That makes it just a bit more concerning, it's definitely dangerous stuff to study. One thing for a savant or Prince of the Earth to bind a demon, quite another to study the people who worship them." Her tone perhaps a bit more cautious now. Then at what Lin says, she ends up nodding quickly, and looking more carefully at Misa. "That too, usually hunting Demons is something for the Dragonblooded."
Misa A pause from Misa, and her brow furrows a little. "I am not especially fond of it either. I suspect, perhaps, that you three are presuming that demon cults are more... productive, and successful, than they normally are. Most people can hardly -read- let alone perform a successful summoning," she asserts, shifting the book to rest in both her hands in front of her.

"I promise you it is far more... tedious than you may be expecting. I am far from unskilled in martial matters, but the occasions where it comes up are almost always simply humans or the odd animal- and usually malnourished, at that, in both cases."

Lin "Oh..." Lin makes a rather strange face. Seems she might indeed have been thinking about them in a more mysterious, dramatized light. Such is the way of many stories after all!

Then she answers Talon. "Well, I was looking up economic history. Way less interesting than demons. Probably way safer. Though, maybe not. People get really touchy over how much things cost..."

Talon Talon glances between Lin and Misa, rubbing his beard thoughtfully. "All right, I'll concede the point," he says. "Economics does sound dreadfully boring. I'll stick to my epic romances and brave sagas. Far more entertaining, I rather imagine." He looks back to Misa with a nod. "Well that's hardly surprising," he says. "One of the things people seem to forget in all their ranting and raving about their precious Yozis is... well... they -lost-, didn't they? They were thrown down in the Divine Revolution."
Tiziri "No, truly. I'm more impressed than anything. It's still a dangerous interest, and to seek it out?" Here Ardent Vagabond laughs, covering her mouth, "Then again. I'm the girl who hires out as a caravan guard just to make my way from place to place to be able to see all I can. That's probably no less risky when you really get down to it. You say demons aren't common. Well, plenty of scary things you could run into on the road." She looks down to her own book's pages for a moment.

This is when Ardent Vagabond grins at Lin, "Well, probably far more dangerous. After all, you could fall asleep at the book and hit your head on the corner of the table when you fall out of the chair." And a look back to Talon. "This guy gets it. Hence my travel tales. But epic sagas are fun too. Or even the weird stuff, nothing like learning about a Ghost that is five hundred years old that is busy fleecing a trade route by telling riddles."

Lin "Th... that's not gonna happen at all. Totally not happening." Lin splutters out at the Ardent Vagabond. "Well. Not EVERY demon's scary. Or even inclined to eat your face. But you don't tend to hear about those kinds... you hear about the ones that do, 'cuz they did it. If every single demon was a completely unreasonable monster even a sorcerer couldn't work with 'em. But.. common? Uncommon? I dunno. Probably wouldn't find one without a sorcerer..."
Misa "Oh, I do not mean to say that there are not some successful ones- and -binding- an unruly demon sorcerously is certainly a thing that can happen in Creation. But by and large, I try to focus on the finding," Misa notes, shrugging it off.

"I cannot say I have much in the way of exciting road stories- a shame, perhaps, but what few supposed dangers have found me have proven somewhat toothless." She waves that away too, head shaking. "Perhaps if and when I open this school something of more interest will come by."

Talon Talon rumbles a laugh, shaking his head. "Well, I'm afraid you more adventurous ladies would find my life tremendously dull," he says. "There's not nearly as much excitement in being a doctor as there is in being a caravan guard or a hunter of demons. Although I -do- like to think that it's more engaging than economics. Ergh. Mathematics is such boring stuff, isn't it?"
Lin "H-hey...." Lin gives Talon a mighty frown as she has somehow ended up on the bottom rung with that remark. "I've got plans. Awesome plans. But Information like this is critical for right time right place parts of the plans..."
Tiziri The young woman with the feathers in her hair looks oddly at Lin at the reaction, "Relax, just having some fun, even if I'll admit I hated when my parents pushed me to learn more about business and economics. Little could I escape it though, even after I ran away my teacher started wanting me to learn economics too." Ardent Vagabond seems to find this all quite amusing.

Then, nodding along with Talon's reply to Misa she says "I must admit, for me the best part of travel isn't the exciting parts. Those are as much terrifying as anything. For me it's stories around the campfire, the beautiful sunset you see as your road curves around a bend in a canyon, the feel of a nice bath after days on a dusty trail, or the taste of local specialties at a caravansery as lovely music plays and dancers dance." She sighs wistfully. "That's what makes travel lovely. Just as reading is full of wonderful moments for the mind to travel too."

Misa A curious glance back at Ardent at that- perhaps Misa does not agree on some level. She lets it go however, for the moment, exhaling softly. "Likely a more respectable life, to some, engaging in the healing of others at least. A more everyday affair, at the very least," she muses, ponderous. "Though I confess economics are rather... controlled, in places from which I come, the ways of these river provinces remain somewhat odd to me, if manageable."
Lin "They're utterly chaotic, exploitative, sometimes downright cruel." Lin mutters in response to Misa's take on the River Province's supposed economics. "I just knowwwwww there's a better way to do things."
Talon Talon favors Lin with his most charming smile--and given his regal bearing and dapper look, is quite charming, all things considered. "Oh, pray forgive me, young miss. I meant no disrespect. I just always had the most dreadful time with arithmaticks while I was attending secondary school. I swear, whatever wretched god of numerology was assigned to -my- homework simply had it in for me. I never could get the hang of it, no matter how hard I tried." Ardent gets that warm smile turned on her, and he nods. "You put it so poetically, miss. And you're not wrong, for certain."
Tiziri "So far I feel economics are mostly all the same. Something wants more, others suffer. Applies from the bottom most animals, on up to the greatest nations." Yeah, there's some of that distaste coming out in a rather jaded way from Ardent Vagabond! "Whatever the case. If I could read all these books tonight, I would. But I can't read that fast. I'm not one to completely look down on any knowlege if I can learn it. Just as I love seeing new things, I love learning new things. It really is that simple, even if I have some favorites, and other things I'd rather leave for... if I don't have other more interesting things."
Misa With little further to say on economies, Misa shrugs a little- looking between these three people studiously for a longish moment. "I think aiming to resolve the river province's resource battles as a lone person may be... ambitious," she notes, idly.
Lin "Of course it is. That's why I've gotta start up my own company to help out." Lin announces proudly, almost as if this answers every possible question the world has to offer. "Can move on to conquering the world or something from there..." What?

"One great workshop after another!"

Talon Lin gets a... skeptically amused look from Talon. "Well... if you can survive going up against the Guild, the various independent operations, and other such roadblocks, then I wish you the joy of your success," he says mildly. "Though, if I'm being bluntly honest, I rather imagine conquering the world will require more than a workshop. Unless every problem in the world really -is- a nail and can be solved by whacking it with a great hammer. In which case, I've been doing everything -dreadfully- wrong all this time, and that is -quite- embarassing, isn't it?"
Tiziri "If it were easy, I'd think someone would have by now, there's been a lot of smart gods, smart Princes of the Earth, you name it. It's a mess." Ardent Vagabond looks back down at her book again and turns the page carefully, seeing a picture of one of the namesake gods of the book. Looking back up towards Misa she asks, "You mentioned a school? Something to do with demons and dealing with them as well? Or is it going to be focused on other things?" She looks over to Talon, a serious look on her face. "Indeed. Does anyone have a hammer? I could try hitting one of the books with it and see if I remember it suddenly! All our research speed problems solved just from a quick hammering experiment!"
Lin "That..." Lin's face screws up again this time as she's thinking about what Ardent Vagabond's just saying. Not quite sure if she really wants a hammer or not maybe?

But she just beams with confidence at Talon. "Well there's all sortsa different ways you can conquer a thing right? Isn't being everywhere a kind of conquest?"

Misa A glance up from Misa, and she looks quizzically as Ardent speaks. "Well, questionable bludgeoning methods of absorbing information aside, I am slowly working on opening a small school of swordplay- a way outside the city, past the growing fields, by the river running south to north."
Talon Talon can't help but rumble with laughter at Ardent. "Oh, if only it were so easy! I might have finished medical school in mere hours if that were the case! No more need for lengthy years of study and practice! Just whack! Thump a book, and you're an instant prodigy!" To Lin, he nods his head. "True enough, young miss. I suppose, all things being equal, one method is as good as any other, when applied in the correct way." Misa is given a nod as well. "Certainly a worthwhile pursuit, I should think. I'm not certain that -I- would benefit much. I -think- I know which end of a sword one holds, but that's about it. I'm much better with a bow than a sword."
Tiziri "Interesting. I concede I'm a student of the spear, myself." Ardent Vagabond states the all too obvious, given she's hauling one along with her, blade sheathed and peace-knotted or not. "It might be interesting to see it sometime though, I haven't been North of the city yet." She muses. "Then again, I've seen so little of the city yet, there's just so much!" She looks over Talon a moment more again. "Interesting that you'd know even that, as a doctor. But a bow is a heck of a weapon until the enemy gets close."
Lin "Oooooooh.." Misa has instantly attracted Lin's attention. "Now that's a project I'm fully in support of, but only a small one? Either way.... could certainly pitch in some help with that. Building things is what I do." She states rather proudly, and casts a grin over at Talon, who has seen exactly what she can do.
Misa "More west than north," Misa clarifies, head shaking a little. "I am no great orator to stir a grand parade of students. I scarcely care to be in this much company at this moment. One or two students and some measure of reputation to bring on new challenges, that is all I need," she explains, shrugging at that. "And I do have the building already, reclaimed from a long-forgotten riverside shrine. As for bows... well, for a medical expert, the ability to keep one's distance is likely wise."
Talon Talon shrugs his shoulders. "The bow is the favored weapon of Sextes Jylis, the Dragon of Wood who is -also- the patron of physicians in the Immaculate Philosophy," he says. "As my mother is also Wood Aspected, she insisted that I study archery as part of my curriculum. But then again, she assumed that I would enter into politics, like a dutiful and obedient son should." He harrumphs softly. "Well. I ended up disappointing my family and my august ancestors by failing to be Chosen by the Dragons. So she -really- oughtn't have been surprised when I decided to disappoint her with my career choice as well."
Tiziri Again, the young woman with the feathers in her hair gets wide eyes while looking at Talon, "I can't even imagine. But I can sympathize. As I sort of said already, I ran away myself. Ran away from helping run a small restaurant. Did well emough, but I couldn't stay there when I'd hear from all the people coming through, heard stories of places all over the world. Or even just the next village up." She stops herself, "So, the point is I definitely understand not living up to parental expectations. My father was not happy when I joined the local garrison. From there? I haven't really looked back."
Lin "Oh... " Lin's shoulders sag a bit, but she persists with a quickly thought-up, "Well if you need additions or extra buildings.. or any kinda goods like... I mean, you're gonna need practice swords and who knows what else..." She then quiets as Talon begins to explain. Her eyes go wide a few times as the implications sink in. "My father's a Guildsman. ... except I'm not sure if the name I know him by is his actual name... and I don't know if he's okay or where to find him... I'm kinda on my own now though, anyways...seems like we all are."
Talon Talon manages a sad, wistful smile. "Oh, my father was a good man," he says. "Strong, honorable, and noble. He was taken far before his time. But because of that, I found my resolve to become a physician. To be the greatest physician who ever lived. So that nobody need ever lose a loved one, so long as I had the skill and knowledge to stop it. I like to believe that I've done his memory proud. As for my most Honored and Noble Mother..." He harrumphs softly. "I expect she thinks I'm dead. I haven't spoken to her in thirty years. And good bloody riddance, says I."
Misa Misa grows quiet at this point- the talk of parents is something she simply lets slide past her for now. She glances down at the book in her hand for a moment, but for the most part lets other speak.
Tiziri "Thirty years? Longer than I've been walking creation, you're no doubt right. Me? I'm sure my father thinks I'm dead by now too. The caravan I was escorting was wiped out, along with everyone else guarding it. I survived somehow thanks to the help of some nomads who came by as I lay dying. After that I decided I'd rather move on and find my way." The Spearwoman pauses a moment to look over the others before placing a fist in her open palm and offering a gesture of respect to each of the three in turn. "I suppose introductions are probably in order. I'm Tiziri, though I tend to go by Ardent Vagabond." She stands like that while looking between the others.
Talon Talon offers Ardent a war smile. He places his palm over his fist and returns the greeting, offering a bow of his head. "Deos Talon, at your service. Ardent Vagabond is quite the striking moniker."
Lin "I'm just Lin! No family name. Artisan of all sorts." Lin offers the group with a hopeful smile. "Couple of candidates I could use for a family name, but... I'm just Lin."
Misa "Hanase Misa," offers the quiet woman- true enough, if only part of the full story. She bows her head for a moment politely, but makes no further comment on the subject of names.
Tiziri "It's what I am, I guess. A travelling companion I was drinking with named me that a couple years ago when I was waxing a bit too poetic about the great places I'd been. I couldn't deny it, it fit." The young woman continues to smile, nodding first back to Talon, and then to Lin. "You know there are many places where there really aren't even family names. My own home didn't, I was just Tiziri, daugther of Bedu. Patryonomics, in my case. I know Matrynomics are more common in many other places, or so I've gathered." Misa still gets a smile and nod as well.
Lin "Not knowing where my dad is kinda bothers me, but... not a lot I can do about it just yet. One day I'll have an answer. Dunno if I'd want his family name though. Far as I can tell, I'm uh... well, he made sure mom and I were treated well but had to keep some distance. I get the feeling he couldn't publically acknowledge us..." Lin remarks with a bit less spirit than usual in response to Ardent Vagabond's explanation.
Talon Talon offers Lin a gentle smile. "From the sound of it, your father cares very much for you," he says. "And I rather think that he'd be quite proud of whom you've become." To Ardent, he says "Perhaps one of these evenings, we might have some tea together, and you can share some of the tales of your travels. I think I should find them quite enthralling."
Lin Inexplicably, Lin flinches at the line 'whom you've become', but she also sprouts another smile. This one as if she's trying to get past... hatever got her all flinchy there. "I hope so." She exclaims, heaving out a sigh. "Got a lotta work ahead either way."
Tiziri "That sounds like a wonderful use of an evening." Tiziri says with a nod to Talon before relaxing a little and nodding. "I think Mr. Talon is right. It seems silly, but there's a certain amount of protection in saving face like that. And in the end, doing a lot of work to be our best selves is all we can do."
Misa "Though, one might argue there is not much sense of one's best self if it is not put to use- or at the least, to the test, once in a while," Misa notes, voice mild despite the subject matter. On that note she slides the book back into the shelf from whence it came, bowing to the group at large. "However, I must be upon my way. Perhaps we shall meet again, you three and I." A faint smile before she turns to take her leave.
Talon Talon turns, putting his fist to his heart and offering a low nod. "Delightful to meet you, Lady Misa," he says. "Travel safe. I hope we meet again."
Tiziri A final gesture of respect with fist in open palm and the slightest of bows as Tiziri says "I probably should as well. It's still a bit of a walk back to my inn." Tiziri doesn't sound particularly unhappy about this. "Especially if I take the interesting looking side street I noticed on my way out." She grins widely, almost impishly. "It was an honor to meet you all."
Lin "Do take care... and remember, I'd love to help with that sword school!" Lin calls out to the departing Misa. She then leans against a bookshelf and begins rubbing her cheeks with a thoughtful look on her face...