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Raullaur It's hot and humid, which has many out of sorts. To combat this, Raullaur has taken his troops out to the country, splitting them up and providing security on a number of boats to that thy end up cooled off, and anumber of shipments get good security on their way to, or from, Great Forks. As for the leader? He's at one of the ponds by the river, enjoying a soak in the cool water combining with the hot sun. Dozing? Possibly. He looks still, and eyes don't /appear/ to be open, at least.
Tiziri Tiziri has finished a job she's held as an independant contractor of sort, defending a smaller boat in the convoy. But it's gotten to where it needed without any trouble. So she's taken to walking the shore for the break, spear rested almost like a yoke over her shoulders as she walks along looking about as the evening starts to set in. Her own expression a bit vacant too.
Raullaur There's a slight stir, and then that bass purring rumble from the side as he sees the woman who had turned from a falcon, and he speaks up. "You look tired. Need a soak? I have some wine--I think they said it was coconut. But you look done in." He gives a wide yawn from where he's lounging mostly in the water.
Tiziri "Exhaustion is part of any journey." Tiziri responds to Raullaur as she gets closer, her smile languid and eyes half lidded. "The fellowship at the end amongst the best parts." She concludes. "A drink of any sort sounds amazing too." She starts to giggle softly. Her spear easily spun about to place it on the ground butt first as she sits. "I love this time of day. the colors are the most vibrant."
Raullaur "Sun is brilliant against clouds, the heat, the sounds of people, the creatures..." Raullaur chuckles and picks up a leather skin that has a very coconut falvored, very strong liquor in it and hands it to Tiziri. "Have you had any more incidents where you don't remember what happened?"
Tiziri "No." Tiziri says, sitting down and getting a crosslegged pose as she takes the wineskin and opens it, taking a deep draught from it with the sort of posture and demeanor of one used to such before closing it and tossing it back. "Paranoia maybe. But I'm not going to leave it be. I did send the story back to my teacher. Maybe it will matter, maybe not. But yeah."
Lintha Sennong Bakunawa "Damned guildsman, they better pay compensation for damages due to the risky route we were forced to take." A crimson haired man that looks like a pirate would say with frustration thanks to his employer's recklessness. Despite him appearing normal at a distance. Once he gets closer, there are gills on his neck, his teeth are that of a ferocious siaka while his eyes are that of a shining bloody moon. He sports some tattoos in his arm, they seem to be inscriptions written both in flametongue and seatongue.

He hopes his crew that he considers family is safe in the Dreaming Sea, especially since some view them as an invasive species from another direction. He hopes there are other modes of transportation that could let him travel there faster, but watching the sights of the many rivers of the East is relaxing.

Raullaur A large leonine beastman is at one of the ponds with a smaller woman beside him, talking. "Good. Then hopefully you just don't remember things from having too much of a fun time with good wine, or something stronger." His teeth flash in a grin. And as he hears someone complain about the guild, he pitches his bass voice a bit louder, "They never pay, and they always have a reason why not. Get more guaranteed pay and leave out the contingency clauses. You do better that way," he calls out to the strange looking man.
Tiziri In so many ways, Tiziri seems an opposite of Raullaur. A petite human girl whose spear is taller than she is. Her hair may be wild and have some feathers woven into it, but she has an altogether elegant sort of bearing to her even sitting down and drinking wine. She's giggling a bit at what Raullaur says and retorting. "They're usually pretty good at paying when something happens and you bail them out. not so much when it's a milk run. they regret paying for protection that doesn't seem necessary, forgetting the presence often makes the difference in preventing an attack in the first place, saving them money on survivor benefits or even a full on loss to begin with."
Lintha Sennong Bakunawa "Oh didn't see you there. Oh you are a beastman, well at least I'm not the only one with strange features walking around here" He says with a jest but doesn't mind the inhuman appearance of the lionman for he himself has blood of other beings running through his veins. "Those fuckers wanted to rush their cargo to another port in the Dreaming Sea, but of course that short route had some fair folk in the waters. None of my men died besides injuries but one of my ships really took a toll. Thankfully I have means to kill those wyld spawns" He shrugs but then introduces himself.

"Name is Bakunawa but my full name is a mouthful to some" Bakunawa deliberately does not say his full name for their lineage is the scourge of the West. "Despite my mercenary crew being in the Dreaming Sea, we actually originated in the West and ended up there due to some Wyld accident"

Raullaur "Fair number of 'folk about. Raullaur," he says, almost growling his name. "Run the Lion's Pride. Any lionfolk you see 'round these parts are probably my band and tribe. Walked a long ways to get here, we did. Don't think we ever got to the Dreaming Sea. But West?!" He laughs, "Sounds like a good story. Tell it well, and quench your thirst while you do it!" He takes the wineskin and offers it to the other if he comes closer.
Tiziri The seemingly tiny girl with the spear, at least as far as mercenary types go, sits there and looks over with a curious sort of expression on her face as she listens in. For the moment she's even falling more silent, though it is very obvious she is paying close attention now.
Lintha Sennong Bakunawa "It's a very long story, my crew were once rebels who fled from a city there and our pursuers forced us to flee to a nearby bordermarch. Originally I was on the opposing side but I felt sympathy even if I lost a prestigious position. As the whirlpool spat us out to the Dreaming Sea. Since our pursuers cannot reach us in that region, we settled in an empty coast but other nations see us with suspicion for the dreaming sea is a cradle of warring empires."
Raullaur "A prince who fled to join his crew, to end up on the other side of Creation! Amazing you survived." Raul grins and leans back easily. "Understand working for the Guild. Avoid it myself, and after a...disagreement, we ignore each other." He yawns widely, "So...what's it like on the water? The plains and savannahs I know. The jungle and forest Iknow. Even swamps and marshes. But the water is strange to me." He looks at Tiziri, "What about you? What do you think is most wonderful about his story?"
Tiziri The young woman with the spear seems to have a Southern accent with a tint of Dreaming Sea as well. She ends up saying all too honestly. "If I knew it was that easy to get up here I'd have signed on in a heartbeat. I had to spend almost two years traveling the hard way. Darn it! I need some more of that wine now!" She exclaims. Though then she looks back towards the mysterious newcoming. "No, really, I'm a bit jealous. Though only a bit. I will say you missed some amazing places between here and there."
Lintha Sennong Bakunawa "I miss travelling the West but my furious former lords are still pissed about my betrayal. It's admittedly a miracle my crew survived that shit in the bordermarch, but I am glad that gave us another chance to start over" There was indeed a miracle that happened that was an act of a god, but he does not know if it's worth telling to strangers if he doesn't want a Wyld Hunt to be after him.

"in the West, the seas can be full of danger like siaka, sea monsters and well pirates. You also don't want to meet the wrath of the western goddess of war since she and her children can be freaky. Despite that, it's filled with opportunity as well such as islands that may have hidden treasures and stuff."

Raullaur "Started a ways south of the Dreaming Sea, maybe a bit west of it. As for War, I have learned it well, both battling myself, and leading others over the years. I don't want /any/ war god or goddess angry at me, but I bet they could be fun to meet and learn from." He looks to the woman then. "Who would you most want to meet? Of any gods, that is."
Tiziri The young woman keeps her lips pursed for a moment, looking quite pensive. "Probably the Maiden of Journies." Ardent Vagabond finally says. "Maybe she could tell me the best possible places I could go to!" She grins more widely then. "Though maybe not, that might take some of the fun out of it, half the fun of the journey is the unknown and not knowing where you'll be tomorrow. Then again, maybe she'd just tell me that and we'd have a nice drink together."
Lintha Sennong Bakunawa "Speaking of the 4 directions, is Great Fork a good place to stay in? I heard it's as luxurious as Nexus but I heard it's filled with exigents, gods and godblooded. I'm a somethingblooded myself but the type people are suspicious of"
Raullaur "I heard tell of a god of cattle and war...he'd be interesting to meet...and maybe try winning some cattle from him," Raullaur says. "As for Great Forks, well, there's something for everyone. Right now, working to get the coin to help buy a kingdom for my tribe to re-settle in. For now, though, I get good money from contracts and training. Just respect the golds what run the place, right?" He nods to the woman. "Any warrior knows the trip is just as much part of the struggle as the battle itself is."
Tiziri Tiziri nods along to what Raullaur says to her, "That might be interesting. Not to mention beef is quite delicious. Probably my favorite meet." She grings. Then she looks to the newcomer appraisingly. "I've never honestly met one of these so called Exigents. It's something that rumor talks about for sure. As for gods? Yeah, I've met them. At least some mirnor ones. Even some elementals. I'm a bit of a poet myself, and had a wonderful little poetry contest with a depressed fire spirit in an alleyway I'd be hard pressed to ever find again."
Lintha Sennong Bakunawa "I see, well I'll be staying there when the night comes to rest and thankfully I have money that is enough to stay in something high end. Would have stayed in Nexus but staying in some place new can be interesting. Hopefully the gods of Great Forks won't mind my strange lineage if I stay there since I won't do anything to attract their wrath"
Raullaur "They'll send someone to you. Follow the orders. You might get a meating. Might not. But it's their city. Lots of temples, lots of brothels, lots of gambling, an arena if you want to fight and show off." Raul grins, "Can make money there, for a while at least. Until no-one will bet against you." Raul flicks his ears with amusement, then nods at the girl next to him. "Looking for a place to stay tonight? Troop's all out doing things. Plenty of room to find somewhere outside, or under a roof.
Tiziri "Yeah, there's a lot of options there. Close to the gate, further. either way, it's worth it really." She says honestly. "I've been to a few different inns so far. And a lot more taverns that I may or may not have passed out in." She says a bit more sheepishly. "So yeah, it's a pretty good place. I like it. a huge city too, so much to see!" Ardent Vagabond is grinning widely as she says that.
Lintha Sennong Bakunawa "Sure, if your troops are around tomorrow, will be nice to see them in action. Hopefully my own men are faring well despite my absence and not get into" He chuckles regarding his own mercenary group in the Dreaming Sea. "Might wander around that city for a while even if I'm planning to head back to my region, hopefully there's a restaurant there that sells Western cuisine due to homesickness."