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Black Pearl There is something for everyone who is anyone at the Chateau of Resplendant Delights, from excellent tea and food, with skilled performers of music, song, and skill, to the baths and massage, the intoxicants and stimulants, anything. As is only appropriate for an establishment run by House Cynis.

As evening slowly gives way to night, there are more people coming to the Chateau, to partake of pleasures, to have clandestine meetings, to see and be seen. And, of course, moving between groups is the doyenne of the house, dressed in shimmering silk and white hair that contrasts against her black skin. A kind word here, a smile there, as she makes sure all remains calm and peaceful within the house.

Ignis Clandestine meetings indeed. After all, there is nothing wrong with mixing business and pleasure on occasion, at least that's how Ignis sees things and he's clearly not alone given the activity this evening. For his part, the blond haired, stubble bearing and sharply but appropriately dressed young man is seated at reserved table across from a young woman, likewise richly dressed in a manner that seamlessly paints them as usual patrons of this palace of delights. For Ignis, dark silks embroirded with gold fall about his torso in an open chested robed with similar comfortable material and colors adorn his legs and feet. He lounges lazily, a bit of fruit in his hands as the woman before him speaks. Parchments and drawings are set out across the table spread speaking of ancient and old things. Maps and drawings and notes. Scribbles and verbiage in various short hands of Realm and Rivertongue.

"Well done Regan." he says to the woman who bows and stands, gathering up some of the parchments but leaving one or two for the blond man as he rests his hands upon them.

"Inform our clients that I will take a look but try and stall them if you don't mind. Oh and send word back to Melborn to stop badgering me about the event? I don't mind parties but I've never been fond of celebatory events on my behalf. He knows this."

The young woman bows and takes her leave. Ignis watches..not without some appreciation..but then his eyes drift towards the ebon skinned silk clad matron of the house and his eyes narrow in thought.

Black Pearl The girl gets a smile, but now Ignis is left alone, and so she makes her way over, blue eyes bright. "Good evening," she says in flawless Riverspeak, though certainly with the accent of the Realm. "I hope that things are well, even if your companion has ended up leaving." She looks at the retreating woman, "A shame, really."
Ignis "She was here for business..I was here for business and pleasure." Ignis responds with an easy going smile and a vague gesture of a half shrug to accompany his expression. "I'm afraid that there aer things left to accompolish this evening and a delay would have put her behind. Life in Great Forks..no? No place like it...."

His voice trails off in thought at that but then he perks back up again and offers another relaxed smile and friendly nod of his head, "You have my gratitude and admiration for what you have accomplished here with the Chateau of Resplendant Delights. I'm glad to have made my way here and am frustrated I took so long to do so."

Black Pearl "I completely understand. For me? Pleasure is my business, whether a business deal done correctly, enjoying marvelous food, or companionship." Black Pearl smiles brightly, then. "And as for frustration, I cannot have that. But that you have come here to relieve it, well, that is quite warming. So...who are you? What is your desire--whether tonight, or for the future?"
Ignis "Ignis." responds the man, cheerfully. "..And the frustration is of my own making but rest assured it's been cared for and relieved. All is well. As to my desires for now and the future? Hmm..straight to the point. I suppose you do trade in pleasure then.."

He leans back onto the cushions abit more while folding his hands and inclining his head, "I've inherited the Scavenger Lord assets and business of my foster father and it's proven no end headaches while also giving me opportunity to massage th part of my instincts that are somewhat prone to thrill seeking and discovering the depths of our distant past. A recent dig has uncovered some places of interest to me to the east, beyond the influence of The Three that I intend to check out. I suppose I'm looking for..something. A clue. A hint perhaps..to some far away and long ago time."

Black Pearl Pearl nods, "Well, there are a number of....antiquarians and tale-tellers who will tell much of what they think others want to hear," she says and takes a seat. "As for clues and hints of things long ago and far away, something more than just stories invented--perhaps once real, but already looted of treasures--" She looks over the papers, to take in the notes and scribbles.

"I do know that there have been goings-on in the Dreaming Sea as of late, though that is not really a long ago time. It looks like you search for something old, buried, as yet undisturbed, and hope to find it farther East?"

Ignis "..Yes.. It's a story that I'm sure one has heard many variations of. An ancient nation. A utopia that sprawled forth and brought order to a time of unrest and chaos. A society upheld by its divine ruler, shined upon by the gods, protected by its champions and then..swallowed up by its hubris. A holy sword. A trinity of souls. Holiness and decadence. Creation and destruction.."

Ignis pauses in thought as his fingers pass over the map, "Clues have led me here to the east in search of signs of this long lost place..to prove of it and to tell its story." He pauses as if he was on the verge of adding more ..but then.

"The Dreaming Sea, you say? I had some colleagues that were making a trip there some time ago...to attend to some personal matters for one of their own. What sort of going ons did you hear of? They can get into some trouble from time to time. Adventurous sorts but quite capable."

Black Pearl "Colleagues? Interesting...as for the goings-on, I heard it was an army of fae trying to invade one of the sunken cities--but it was brought to nought. Heroism, derring-do, and more...I suppose I should have one of my minstrils create a song of it--suitably changed, of course."
Ignis "Yes we wouldn't want any sort of legal action brought to you via a petion of a god of law and ownership of stories.." Ignis smiles a little bit and seems content to let the conversation move in that direction. He makes no move to hide or shift away the papers or the maps either but draws no direct attention to it, instead locking his eyes onto Pearl as he speaks.

"Perhaps you can tell me a little more? You seem rather informed regarding such a very specific event. Did one of these ..heroes..come in here to speak of their victories and treasures gained?"

He reaches over and lazily retrieves another piece of fruit and then grins again, "To challenge the fae is no easy feat and usually would bring a tale of woe and sorrow should it be the adventures of mere mortals.."

Black Pearl "No, I cannot say that any have been boasting here of it," Pearl says with a delighted smile. "I consider what happens here to be private--not to be given out. Of course, if I overhear things /elsewhere/, well, that would be fair game." She takes a piece of fruit herself and eats it slowly.

"They are capricious, but also are bound by their natures, their oaths, so you can deal with them, trick them, and if you best them, well, dishonorable or not, they are compelled to acknowledge it."

She leans back slightly and ponders, "I should like to go to the Dreaming Sea myself. It seems splendid, wild and untamed. Perhaps it is hubris to think I could challenge it, but, well...I am of the water."

Ignis This draws a laugh from Ignis who then finishes off his fruit before pursing his lips in thought as he studies Pearl. Then:

"If I may be so bold, I highly doubt that you have any fear of or lack when it comes to needing to deal in matters wild and untamed. There is probably less hubris and more ..experience..speaking here. Or am I wrong?"

He folds his hands again as he leans back once more, "You and yours trade in delights, no? I am not presumptous to think that this includes delights both fair and gross...and the fae are nothing but that.. and as mercurial as the water that you represent." His eyes drift over the map briefly and then he adds, "I will have to ask my friends of they heard rumblings of such an amazing affair. I'd be surprised if they did not. They are..rather well informed. Hardly boring people."

Black Pearl "No doubt they have. And if they are well informed, I have almost certainly heard of them--and they of me! As far as fear, well..." She smiles, "It certainly depends. It would be difficult to go to a battle, but I am not sure if that is fear, or simply an assessment of ability. I know otherw who would flinch and flee at dealing with court and etiquette."

"As far as the delights go...there are certain standards I have, certain things that will not be indulged here--if anything, for the loyalty of my staff. And as for wild and untamed..." She gives a throaty chuckle, "The still pond, the flowing river, and the raging seas are all water. And I flow with them. It is....thrilling. I cannot quite describe it, other than letting go and becoming more Water than self."

Ignis Curious now, Ignis leans forward, hands still folded and elbows resting on his knees now as he studies Pearl.

"That is good to hear, regarding delights. I'm certain the Three would be pleased to hear that.. And there is no shamne in being aware of ones limitations. I have certain skills I"m rather proud of but even in those fields I have found myself..surprisingly..humbled and tripped up by my own self confidence. Some degree of awareness is never a bad thing. But I am curious.."

He inclines his head, truly studying her now as he asks, "What you described..would you say this true of all who are of your house? And what of the others? Wood, fire, earth. Do you feel 'one' with them?"

Black Pearl "How could I?" She smiles brightly and the air about is slowly getting damper, more humid the longer that she lingers. "As for my House, a plurality are Wood. And they embrace the toxins and intoxicants in a way I cannot quite grasp. Still, it is luring, as is the heat of Fire...but I am not one with them as I am water."
Ignis "Yet these elements must work in concert in order for Creation to flourish and sustain life..and yet can never truly understand one another aside from similar sensations amomg their Chosen and perhaps not even then." muses Ignis with a smile again, "An interesting mystery and one I've never considered before despite having some Dragonblooded allies. I suppose I never thought to consider it deeply."

He raises a drink now, acknowledging her with his gesture, "You've given me much to ponder beyond simple business and map reading and expedition making. For that, I thank you."

Black Pearl "And it is a pleasure to meet you as well, Ignis. I am glad you have come here, and glad that it has served your purpose. And if it turns out that those you know, know me...I will look forward to finding out." She looks down at the maps, "If you are truly curious, I can set to find out about the tales you seek, and see what grains of truth there might be. If you don't mind owing me a favor, that is,:
Ignis "Is that so.." questions Ignis, feigning mild surprise at her offer and smiling as he inclines his head and sits upright once more. His hand drifts over the maps and he seems to ponder it for a second or two before continuing,

"It would be difficult for me to refuse such an offer. I have the sense that there may be none better at accomplishing what you propose and of course I would owe you for your efforts. I trust that the favor in question would be appropriate in nature? I certainly don't want to agree only for the favor to involve said dealings of court and etiquette for example."

He grins at that and adds, "Not my ideal speciality."

Black Pearl "Well, I can generally deal with those myself. I would want to get to know you more and see what skills you have, that the favor may be an asset. Or perhaps favors get traded, so if someone owes /you/ a favor, my favor might be to have that transferred to me." Eyes are animated as she leans forward. "But that will have to wait for another time. For now, I must see to my other guests. I wish you well tonight, and hope that you will leave thoroughly delighted."