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Tenken Tenken is sitting in the corner of the Happy Alpaca Inn, which has emptied significantly in the main room. Only about 8 people remained in the sprawling tavern, though a number of individuals dressed in the garb of the Order of Tarvur still remained in one of the private back rooms.
Iron Reed Scholar Iron Reed returns to the inn some time after dark, wrapped in his usual simple dark grey robes, hood raised against the nights chill he steps into the room with a quick glance to the back room. A frown flashes across his features before he turns towards Tenken with a smile, unslinging his axe from his back as he does so. He grabs a chair, turning it around as he straddles it, leaning casually on the back. "Our friends are still here?" He takes a breath, glancing at his axe. "Perhaps it's time I considered having a conversation with them." He seems thoughtful for a moment. "At best I could explain my position and recruit them. At worst..." He shrugs a shoulder sadly. "I would rather know I'm going into a fight than be ambushed by them on the road."
Tenken Tenken nods in response to the inquiry regarding the order members in the back. Gesturing towards a broken table, he says "While you were gone the giant that walked in provided some entertainment.. as it turns out, it would seem that both the giant and out patrons are more than they seem. I wouldn't be surprised if they were.. similar to us in some ways". "I agree that its probably best to get out ahead of this thing, and to converse with our friends in the back room sooner rather than later. That said, I think it may be worth having a word with our patrons first regarding our intentions". Tenken nods towards a large barrel-chested man sitting at the bar, Gardo, who is speaking with his wife (and co-owner of the tavern),'Bella'.
Iron Reed Scholar Iron Reed studies the owner, his axe leaned against the wall as he continues to lean against the back of his chair. "We'll need to be careful how much we let be revealed, but you're right, talking with the owners makes some sense. It shouldn't be surprising I wish to speak with them, I'm of their Order after all." He chuckles as he looks at Tenken. "Let's hope they haven't done anything to sour our hosts too much to me or my friends. What do we know?"
Tenken Tenken chuckles, "Well, I have a few contacts here in Great Forks as well, and I also hold some position amongst the spirits' hierarchy"... he nods toward the staff composed mostly of nymphs of various elemental aspects. "So far I've gleaned that the owners were sought out by the order members, but that they are also keeping an eye on those guys in the back room because of the nature of their questions and what led them here. It would seem that whatever contacts led them here likely set them up in a way... they were asking too many questions and were stepping over some lines in the sand if you will". Tenken fills Reed in about the arm wrestling match and indicates that the owners were likely exigents, though that might only apply to Gardo. Either way, the owners were well-connected in Great Forks and could prove valuable allies, and troublesome enemies. Gardo was friendly enough, and likely wouldn't be difficult to get 'on side' regarding Reed's intentions.
Iron Reed Scholar Reed nods as he listens. "Well, they should be grateful to get them out of their hair." He motions for service. "We should make our intentions plain to the Gardo, I am not one for subterfuge." He laughs with a shrug of his shoulder. "I'm a scholar, I will let him know I intend to take my... Associates in hand, gently if possible." He sighs. "Too many misguided factions have formed for this to be a bloodless process I fear."
Tenken Tenken chuckles, "Well, ever since our little skirmish in the east woods I had a feeling that would be the case, but I'll help regardless of how it turns out. Its in the interest of all of our kind that your 'associates' don't get too out of hand. Also, be prepared for the owners to have some idea of what we are.. as the summoners who bound these elementals, they will have been fed some information regarding our natures, at least of our levels of spiritual pressure and resonance." As he finishes speaking, he realizes that Bella has been eyeing the two, and she says something to her husband who stands and then walks over carrying a wooden chair in one hand and 3 mugs of ale in the other. Setting them down on the table, he slides them to Tenken and Reed and takes a seat.

"Well, we was wonderin' when you two would touch base. You two stand out a bit from the crowd if ya catch my drift" he says with a grin revealing a missing front tooth, which makes him seem a bit goofy, matching his upbeat and warm personality. "Im Gardo, I own this place with my wife, Bella. What can I do for ya?"

Iron Reed Scholar Iron Reed looks at Tenken. "I will bring them to hand one way or another." He's about to say more, then Gardo is heading over and he inclines his head, his expression shifts somewhat as he takes the man in. "I'm here to see my... Associates, I hear they've been causing a stir?" He nods in thanks at the offered drink.
Tenken Gardo responds with a belly laugh, one that resonates throughout the room. Leaning in, he says "Yea, those boys arent too subtle, ill say that. You seem a bit more level-headed than that bunch. To be fair, only one of 'em seems to be a bit off-center, the others don't seem too bad. The guy Im talking about, says his name is Marco, 3rd District Inquisitor or something like that. Not sure what that all means, but maybe it means somethin to you. To be frank, we're keepin an eye on 'em, as they were askin around about our business." Lowering his voice some, he says "We deal with matters of some sensitivity, and our business is one that requires a bit of secrecy. We deal with folks not unlike yourselves, particularly when they get in trouble and run afoul of the 'princes' if you catch my meaning..." he says as he grins that toothless grin.
Iron Reed Scholar Nodding slowly Iron Reed sighs looking to Tenken. "We'll definitely need to deal with Marco. The Inquisitors are generally less than pleasant types." He smiles as he looks at Tenken. "He'll no doubt want to declare me a heretic. Fortunately, it shouldn't be simple for him to do so."
Tenken Gardo leans back into his chair and drains his ale mug, smacking his lips. "Well, theres 'bout 6 of 'em in that room there." Handing Iron Reed a bronze key, he says "Those private rooms are magically sound-proofed from the rest of the establishment. Whatever you do in there, just don't let it spill into this room. To be honest, sounds like you're doing us a favor and doing the heavy lifting, so we'll do our best to help you either clean up, cover up, or facilitate whatever it is you'll be doing."