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Winds and Dreams It's late afternoon in the city of Great Forks, inasmuch as this can be called the city proper. Rather at the very edge of the city, where senses of quarters and districts break down into largely being the sorts of connective facilities that funnel the spoils of farmers and hunters into the city proper. Millers and fishmongers and butchers and all such, scattered with just enough public houses for people to take a meal or get their night's rest before leaving again.

It's at just such a house that Winds sits now, at a fenced in outdoor eating area, picking lazily at bread and tossing scraps of meat over the fence. Across said fence is her usual companion, the great black wolf laying in the shade of a tree and somewhere between dozing and wakefulness as she snacks on the tossed offerings.

Neza The scholar was unhappy. The ruins were supposed to be dangerous, deadly, threatening things filled a great deal of information. They had turned out to be for naught. But, the scholar had been undeterred. As undeterred as he was still flush with funds to pay for scouting. Now, his latest fancies had taken him to rumors of something farther off. Out of the limits of the city, or even the familiar rivers. Something that would require a specialist.

And as luck would have it, that scholar knew just the person.

And so now Neza finds herself seeking this specialist. One with a great wolf at their heel shouldn't be too difficult to find even in a place such as Great Forks. And such a prediction had proven true. And so, with a purse hidden underneath her cloak, turning over and over in hand, Neza contemplates this woman.

Not being one particularly skilled in subterfuge or subtlety, her approach is direct as her wide hat and bead veil is noticeable as she approaches along roadway.

Winds and Dreams For long moments Winds had been looking almost... bored, slouched down in her chair with her face in her hand, staring at small cracks in the table or errant crumbs, lost in her own world. Then again, what are woodsfolk if not perceptive.

Despite this apparent distraction, her eyes dart to Neza's approach remarkably early, her head cocking back to beckon the woman over in a small, slight gesture. She straightens herself up as the traveller approaches, right arm coming to rest on the table as she leans in. "So, a thing or two has suggested to me you need to borrow some time and expertise?"

She's maybe not the best at small talk.

Neza Direct is good. As Neza looks past the fence to the woman eating, she keeps her head low to fully conceal herself. "You are correct. Your perception is noted," she says with a soft, reserved tone of voice.

She rolls the coins in her fingers, and she watches the wolf, before she looks back to the woman at the table. "I represent a scholar interested in rumors. He wishes to scout an area of interest and has heard your name. I'm here to extend the offer. I am sorry that I cannot give too much information. He wishes to protect his leads."

She looks down to the wolf again. "What is her name?" she asks, the top of the hat tilting with Neza's head.

Winds and Dreams There's a moment where Winds' eyes flick over- she heard the coin rolling, it seems. A moment after she looks down to her companion. "That is Asena- and my name at the moment is Winds and Dreams, in case that hadn't come up.

She nods across the table to a seat opposite her, then turns her eyes back to sizing up Neza directly. "You don't strike me as terribly averse to travel- or danger, for that matter. What exactly do you need of me?"

Seira Unrelated to the conversation, but passing by, is a sight few people in the city wouldn't recognize, by this point. Seira, a renowned performer... and one whose voice carries, given her unusually large stature. She doesn't glance over to the outdoor eating area, for the moment, but she is meandering into town from... some errand outside it, perhaps?
Neza Though covered head to toe, it isn't fully easy to parse the woman. But there's a fluid grace to the movements and the glide of the lower hem of the cloak that shows the skill and easy she has in movement. Especially so as she slips around the fence, taking to the offered seat with swift and sure stride.

Sitting, she remains with her hat, her head lowered. "The name I knew. Forgive me for being impolite," she speaks. "I am Neza, and your perception is proven again. I am not one to shy, but I'm from the rivers and the North. I have kept to trade town and water in my travels, and where my employer wishes to study is beyond my abilities there."

There's a gentle laugh before she adds, "And my limited ability to hunt is reserved mostly for fish."

Winds and Dreams A slight nod from Winds, and she pauses a moment- eyes sliding past Neza for just a moment. As if on cue, there's a short report of a bark from Asena, attempting to pull some attention from a particular passerby.

"Ah. So, worried for the woods or deeper jungles, then. That I can help with. Perhaps give a few primers as well on the way. There shouldn't be overmuch difficulty."

She then raises up in her place, speaking past Neza to the passing large woman. "And I do believe I owe you a... less eventful meeting," she calls across.

Seira The giantess pauses, looking for who might be calling to her. Not that this is *unusual* for her. "Oh?... oh, fair enough. Hm." Seira approaches the fence, although given it's a lower fence meant more to designate an area than privacy or security, she looms over it pretty well. "... did I hear something about fish?"
Neza A bark, a clear look. Neza turns her head, far enough to let the pale ashen blonde hair she has be visible above her high collar. "I'm am not as familiar. . .," she says, letting the words trail off into the air a s a giant approaches.

Neza is used to being one of the taller ones in a room, so it's a surprise to see someone quite that large. It's enough to distract from the goings on. Which was something she wasn't wholly committed to in the first place. "Less eventful?" she questions, turning slightly, trying to keep both women in her line of sight.

Winds and Dreams "Ah, well, we were discussing some current events and someone began tearing up the temple we had been visiting," Winds explains simply, waving it off. "But I certainly understand. Lack of familiarity with an environment is a treacherous thing. Similarly I shouldn't like to be lost in the deep South without some prior learning and preparation," she muses, a slight shrug following.

"The fish was simply a comment on survival methods during travel. Apparently more our friend here's expertise than the more land-minded woodlands you and I are accustomed to."

Seira Seira ahs, "I know a thing or two about fish myself, although I prefer other forms of dinner when I can. But when needs must..." The big woman shrugs. "... and someone like me can't always be picky, like I can afford to these days. I don't eat like an elephant, but only because I don't have a trunk!" She laughs at her own joke, although it's true enough - while not exactly fat, she's well-fed and for someone her size, she probably eats like three normal people.
Neza Neza laughs along with Seira's joke, a jostle of her cloak suggests Neza restrains herself from covering her already out of view mouth. "I've never enjoyed fish all that much, especially the smaller ones on the river. Or the frogs for that matter. But it made for more money in the company's coffers. And if you have a good cook, they can make anything seem better than it should."

Quick to laugh, to be friendly, it stifles again, and the softer voice and restraint returns. "But yes, yes, I can promise payment for your guidance. I will only need to go long and far enough to find and clear out any threat that may be at the site."

Winds and Dreams "Well, I'm fairly good at threats as well," notes Winds, one corner of her mouth tugging into a smile. While she hardly has the silken movements of some absurdly trained martial master, there's an easy, natural smoothness and languor to her motions that gives a similarly prepared air.

"Now there's an interesting thought to challenge a person. See if sheer woodland survival experience can keep a full group including our friend Seira here- maybe the other large fellow as well- all properly fed and healthy."

Seira Seira shakes her head, raising her hand in a warding gesture. "Heavens, no! I won't say I'm useless in the wilderness, but I've no love for the place. We build villages, and towns, and cities, for a *reason*, and I'm quite happy with that reason. Besides, if we're all bunched up you can go see the wilderness, if you really miss it."
Neza Neza looks from one, to another. "I was only sent with enough to entice you," she points out. "If you bring others along, then you will have to negotiate on your own terms."

She looks to Seira and nods. At least it seems that she wasn't terribly interested in the matter. "My employer is enamored with old temples. There apparently is not enough here, or he is more blind than I noticed," she explains. "And what do you mean, other large fellow?"

Winds and Dreams A shake of the head from Winds, and she waves this matter off, too. "Just an idle musing, not an actual plan. And the other fellow was simply someone we met whose size was on a similar scale to our friend here," she explains, gesturing to Seira in due time.

"And I suppose it makes sense- no doubt some valuable thing or another in the old temples that he would not be able to take from the occupied ones."

Seira Seira corrects, "Oh, no, he makes *me* look almost normal standing next to him. Which is an amusing and novel feeling to me, so I'm not too concerned about it. Boorish, though. Not a gentleman at all."
Neza Back and forth does Neza's head go, enough to sway the beads to show the bright green-blue of her eyes. "And you suppose your skills as a hunter could keep two people like that fed, all off the land?" she asks, looking back at Winds. "As well as yourself and mine?"

"You wouldn't happen to be a cook as well, would you?" what might pass as a joke seems to carry just as much hope as humor.

Winds and Dreams A pause from Winds, and she shrugs. "I mean, I'm hardly about to prepare food for wealthy merchants, but I can keep meat over a fire for adequate time," she says, aaaaaalmost managing to sound slightly apologetic.

"You're not wrong about that. I saw him again recently, and it hardly took him a moment to start trying to break down a great stone door with a nearby pillar."

Seira Seira nods. "Mmm. Quite. Although that *would* have been nice to see... I almost want to ask what pillar, and what door. He may be a big brute, but if *he* can do it..."
Neza "That might go against the patron's wishes. I understand he wishes to see ruins, but I don't think that he means to create ruins in the first place." Neza looks, one to another, even to the wolf, just in case the joke actually lands.
Winds and Dreams It does manage something of a smirk from Winds- but she again shakes her head to wave the notion off. "No no, I won't be bringing -him- anywhere unless I mean to cause some harm. And... I could show you the way but it would be some time, it was deep out in the wood. But the door was the size of most homes and the pillar the kind you might expect supporting a fairly well-to-do god's temple."
Seira The singer hmphs. "Ah, just, I do like to exercise my body as well as my voice. Temple of the soul, you know. And the diaphragm is a sort of muscle, too, so it's good to work all of them. Only a passing fancy."
Neza "It would go a long way toward proving your reputation to see this temple for myself," Neza says, swiftly concocting a reasonable reason beyond the base and shallow interest of it all. "If you can find it again."

She turns, looking a ways toward the center of the Temple District. "I've wondered how some become renewed, altered, having their gods changed by time and people, while others fall into disuse and become forgotten."

She exhales, derisive toward herself. "A passing fancy," she says, "But you say you exercise your voice?" she asks Seira. Happy to find a topic to latch onto again.

Winds and Dreams A pause from Winds as she looks out into the woods and then back to the other two. "That old ruin is about two days from here at best," she notes, though her eyes flick to Seira with some other meaning for just the briefest moment.

At the last she leans back in her seat, letting Neza steer the conversation elsewhere.

Seira "That *is* what a singer must do to keep the crowds coming and the employment stable, yes," Seira responds. "Most here recognize me, by now. New in town, I take it."
Neza "Yes, I am. My name is Neza. Believe me, if I had seen you before, I would not have forgotten," she tells Seira with a slight, apologetic bow. "I would like to hear that, sometime. If at all possible. Do you have a venue nearby?"
Seira "I am Seira - the siren, some call me, yes, but it's a bit of a silly name. I've hardly ever sat on rocks luring ships to their doom. I often perform at the opera house here in the Forks, although I've participated in a number of festivals, too. There's always one going on, and someone who can hold her tune is useful when singing hymns and devotions to the god of the day, yes?"
Winds and Dreams "I do recommend going- if before or after this journey you're looking for I will leave wholly up to you," says Winds and Dreams, tossing the last of the shreds of meat before her across the fence idly.
Neza A nod. The beads shake. "I will make it a point. But, perhaps at one of the less crowded venues," she says, adding her note in a quieter tone.

"I've almost forgotten," she says, watching the meat scrap sail across the fence. Reaching from under her cloak, she places a small pouch onto the table. Claws, on a long fingered hand. Not quite human, not entirely other. And disappearing even faster back under the cloak. "The enticement. Proof of my employer's willingness to pay for your service."

Seira "Indeed. Well. I must be off, and leave you to your... business arrangements?" Seira steps back, excusing herself from the conversation.