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Jenner Though Nexus is not a port city the mighty Yanaze River is deep and wide and has little trouble being a quick route to the ocean. And so the waterfront is a thriving place to do business. Among them the scruffy looking man with a brawlers gait. He walks alongside a much taller man, who seems to offer some deference to him. Jenner, the shorter man shrugs out of his pack and sets it down before, "Go on in to market and stock up on rice, millet and hard tack, anything we can stretch a long ways incase we can't forage or fish up much. I am going to stay here and drum up some business."

The taller man just sighs, but leaves Jenner to his own devices. Meanwhile the Jenner throws back his hood and leans forward to rumage about his pack. He eventually finds what he is looking for. A bright green apple, the kind that is crisp and sour. He breaths against the skin of the apple and shins it a bit against his vest, before he draws a simple knife from a sheath next to where a boarding axe is tied to his pack. He starts to carefully slice of a juicy peace of apple and chomps it down as he looks around riverfont. His brown eyes looking as if they are trying to look very discerning at everything.

Ragara Sanaz There's a whistle that goes up somewhere along the docks. A burst of activity follows it, though it is hard to discern its meaning. Suddenly, crates are being moved and baskets shuffled around. Everyone with something to do. Part of the mystery is quickly explained, though. The crowds part of a knot of soldiers, dressed in fine armor and regalia. Dynastic troops. Not the law in Nexus, but not someone you want catching your business.

The soldiers don't need to work much to clear themselves a path. It mostly clears itself, the sailors and merchants knowing that a soldier on business is worth a wide berth. A shining, well-bred horse walks behind them, drawing a two-wheeled carriage. A small flock of attendants and servants walk behind that. Not just soldiers. Personal guards. Because there couldn't be any mistaking who was in that carriage- one of the Princes of the Earth.

Jenner Oh indeed, the Empire does not need to rule here to be afforded a wide bearth. And true to form most will clear out of the way like wheat bowing out of the way of a steady wind. Jenner holds his ground as the procession goes by. He doesn't get in the way per se, but he doesn't shrink away. As they get close and the body guards give him a meaninful, 'you better not cause trouble' kinda work. Jenner smiles and, revealing a bit of green apple peal stuck between his teeth. "Just out here lookin' for work, don't mean to be in the way. Anyone want an apple? I have more?" He slices off another chunk and eats it with a chomp before kneeling down to rumage in his rucksack and find these other apples he mentioned.
Ragara Sanaz The soldiers ignore the sailor, managing both to pay no attention to him and somehow do it with contempt. Must be something they teach at Legionnaire School. The carriage comes to a halt with the soldiers, not far from Jenner's ship. One of the servants, from behind the carriage, steps forward. An older man, he is still well dressed. Silk robes in pale colors, a neatly trimmed goatee showing speckles of grey mixed in with the black.

"Merchants of Nexus," he speaks loudly, letting his voice carry across the abnormal silence created by the procession's mere presence. "My lady, Ragara Sanaz, is seeking contract with five-" he holds a hand up, fingers splayed, "River boats capable of transporting an emergency shipment up river. Any interested captains must immediately submit to an interview. Those of interest will prepare their ships for inspection before any contract is issued. Interested captains should ready themselves while a suitable location is selected. We look forward to your offers."

Jenner "If you take the River's further east of Nexus you are getting into some pretty wild country. You need a barge that can't just carry your cargo but can fight for it." Jenner venturs as he picks up his pack and slings it over a single shoulder. He is stepping forward to volunteer clearly at the aide de campe's call for captains to speak up. Jenner cocks a thumb to the dock here his barge is moored, "I captain the Unchained Nereid. She may not be the prettiest lady in the port, but you'll not find a more reliable berth to carry an emergency Cargo."
Ragara Sanaz Another attendant has stepped forward. This one with a ledger in hand, a pot of ink and brush. She quickly writes down the captain's name. Across the pport a grumble rises, as captains debate their desire or ability to take what is doubtlessly a lucrative contract. The Ragara, after all, were master of business. Their wealth outshone all others. And when discussing the Imperial Houses, that was truly an accomplishment.

"So you would like to be considered for this contract?" the older man asks, his eyebrows arching up. Looking Jenner over, up and down. As he does, Jenner can feel more eyes on him. From within the carriage, someone else watches. Invisible as anything but a vague shape behind the elaborate wooden sides and decorated rice-paper screens. The attendant turns sharply, walking to the carriage. A small panel slides open within the larger door, and a hushed conversation begins.

Jenner "I would." Jenner says in a tone that is confidant without crossing the threshold of arrogant. "The rivers get dangerous east of here. You'll need a ship who's crew can keep your cargo safe while it's being transported. I am assuming that since these are emergency supplies, time is an issue. My travels light, can leave quickly and can handle what the deeper east will throw at us."
Ragara Sanaz A moment's more discussion. The attendant straightens himself, brushing a bit of dust from his robe. He doesn't make any sign he'd heard a word of what Jenner said. A hand lifts, and a third servant hurries forward. A brawny man, he pulls a box of polished cherry from beneath the carriage. Setting it on the ground in front of the carriage door as the older man turns back to Jenner. "The lady wishes to speak with you directly. We ask that you be canny and sparing with her time. She has many duties to attend to this afternoon."

And the door of the carriage opens. Ragara Sanaz stands in the back, carefully stepping down onto the cherry step. Dressed in dark, luxurious silk robes, her sandals settling easily onto the ground of the dock. "Lao, my thanks. Would you please see to it that arrangements are made with one of the tavern-keepers? I would prefer to conduct these somewhat more comfortably. Arrange whatever payments are necessary." The older man, Lao, nods, and quickly is off. Sanaz turns her blue eyes up, onto Jenner directly. Waiting for his response to her presence.

Jenner Oh shit. Jenner was perhaps not expecting the Prince of the Earth to actually deign to speak with him. He clears his throat and looks like he is trying to remember ettiquette he read about before. Eventually he manages something loosely resembling the bow of one that is reverent to the Immaculate Order would do, a secular gesture? It's at least close. "It's an honor, my name is Jenner." And that is it apparantly. Sounds kinda... underwhelming.
Ragara Sanaz It seems the other members of the crowded port weren't expecting this, either. Even for those who aren't Immaculates, the presence of a Dynast holds enough prestige to be worth at least some attention. Most try to keep their cool, grabbing glances from the sides of their eyes or as they do other work. Sanaz seems neither surprised nor bothered.

"Jenner," the Dynast repeats, nodding. "And you said you were the captain of..." the attendant with the ledger hurries over, "The Unchained Nereid? An interesting name. Is it an inheritance or did you come across the name yourself?"

Jenner "Oh the Unchained Nereid has been traveling these waters for a very long time. She's just under a new captain now." Jenner explains, "New purpose, new focus, new calling, that kinda thing. My crew are all experinced rivermen, and we know these lands well. I'm confident we can keep your cargo safe." He bows his head, it's clearly he knows nothing about formal etiquette, but he an earnest politeness to him. "Is it ok if I ask where you are asking people to make bearth to? Or are you not willing to share that until you've choosen the 5 ships that you think can get your job done for you?"