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Bright Journey Across from the bustle of the Temple District, the constant hawling of wares, chanting of prayers and daily parades' stares, there's a tidy and well-appointed mansion up in the hills. It's one of many in the area, and while the grounds aren't sprawling in the same way a country dewlling's would be, it's nicely taken care of and no more gaudy or ostentatious than the other mansions in this, one of the nicer sections of the city.

It's to this impressive dwelling that Silk's directions lead Raullaur. One has to wonder what the neighbors think of the weirdos that live here, but that kind of nonsense has clearly never bothered Silk Moon Lotus or Bright Journey. After all, not every mansion has powerful lion warriors stopping by to call on the residents.

It's just about lunchtime when Raullaur arrives, and one of the servant maids is happy to lead the gentleman caller to the dining area, where a hearty repast is being laid out. Bright Journey is there, sneaking a grape from a fruit platter, when the door to the dining area opens.

Raullaur Raullaur's company has had a few contracts, certainly enough to keep going, even if not making too much of a profit. They're getting a reputation as tough negotiators, tough fighters, and honest, at least.

When he arrives, it's without his armor, though he still has his sword, clothing simple and flowing. "Good afternoon, Bright Journey," the lionman says in his rumbling voice. "Thank you for your invitation." He offers a bow, and then slides to one of the seats.

Bright Journey Similarly, Bright Journey did not bother to wear her armor in her own home. Instead, she has a short dress--almost a long tunic, really--in white. Her black cloak from before is also not in evidence, but there her smile is, bright as her name, as she turns and beams at Raullaur. "Well! A good afternoon to you as well. Please come in and find yourself a seat. Today's not a day we need to stand on ceremony, I think." She grins at the servant girl and holds out her hands for the basket of fruit she'd snagged a grape from earlier. "I'll take that, my dear. I promise it won't last long enough to be worth arranging perfectly in any event." She sets it down in front of her and has a piece of pineapple while Raullaur has himself a seat. "Silk may or may not join us, and please don't feel slighted if she doesn't. She's a nocturnal creature by habit, so lunch feels a bit unnatural for her." Bright pauses and eyes the spread of food on the table. "Although I kind of hope she does manage to make it. I don't know where we're going to put all this if she doesn't, though you look like you might have an appetite."
Raullaur "Of course," Raul says. "Still, good to see you again. And give my regards to Silk, if we don't see her. Anyhow...we first met...you said I had a lot to learn about being well...what I am. Not the way you said it, but what you meant, I think."
Bright Journey Settling back in her chair, Bright pops another grape into her mouth and gives Raullaur another once over, thoughtful for a moment. She then grins again and leans forward, elbows on the table. "Okay. Look. Out there? In public? Yeah, we have to stay careful and keep our shiny foreheads under our hats, right? Here, though, in private? You can say it out loud and be proud. We are Solar Exalted. I...have to admit, there's a lot of history to what we are that I don't know yet, but I do know this: No one is going to convince me I'm a spawn of evil if I'm here doing what I can to make things right. At the end of the day, the gods decide how we lived our lives, not the Immaculate monks. And I'm not going to let them tell me I'm wrong just for being who I am."

Bright grins again, gesturing to the front door. "That doesn't mean go out there and tell everyone who you are. You still have to be careful. And...I don't think it means that whatever we do is right. We can be wrong. I'm just saying we don't -have- to always be wrong. Does that make sense?"

Raullaur "Yes, it does. Many think we are evil because of what others did. We...might be evil. We can choose to be good. Just like anyone else." His tail twitches. "Solar Exalted...the songs of my tribe said that the Sun, Moon, and Stars came to earth to make the Heroes of old..."
Bright Journey Scratching the back of her head, Bright can't help but shrug. "That, I don't know enough about. History really isn't my thing, I admit. All I'm sure of is the Realm isn't being straight with us and there's a lot we don't know. I...heh. I admit I'm not a sage or a scholar. I'm sure you're talking about the Solars and Lunars there, though--I know a number of Lunars, actually. I...am not sure about the Stars, though."
Raullaur "I should like to meet some, then. I think one of the Lunars perhaps founded our tribe. And all I know is the history. So...is...what...what does it /mean/ to be a Solar? I know I am very tough, that I have the armor and weapon of gold that is fiery like the sun, but..." He sighs.
Bright Journey "Heh," Bright responds. "To the meat of it, then. The way I read it--and my own experience bears this out--Solars are the chosen of the Unconquered Sun. Not sure how much you know about the gods, but I'm sure you've heard of Him, at least. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a priest and I don't worship Him, but I've read that He has chosen us for great things." She shrugs. "What those things are is a question to ask each of us. I only know about my own goals. Quest. Great task. Whatever you want to call it."

How we're to do whatever...that's the part I know a little more about. I don't need a dissertation on your life or anything, but let me make a guess: Whatever you were good at as a kid? You were the BEST at it. Far and away better than anyone else, and ready to make something of yourself, too. How's my guesswork so far?"

Raullaur "Pretty good. Always tougher than the others. Could go on walks forever. So they sent me...to a proving ground. A masoleum that you either founds wonders in, or died trying. What awere you best at?"
Bright Journey Bright smiles fondly, looking out a window for a moment. "Oh, there's a few things I'm good at, and all of them were...well, I don't want to say -effortless- but it didn't take sole focus on any of them to get good at them. Chirurgery, hunting...but what -was- always effortless for me was making friends and getting people to agree with me. People listen to what I have to say without me even really trying. And when I -did- put my nose to that particular grindstone...well, it paid off. I'm sure you'll see someday."

"Anyway, what I'm getting at is we, more than any other kind of Exalted, are supposed to be -skillful-. I can shoot arrows of flame and make people hang onto every word I say. But everyone else has their own advantages, too--Lunars aren't just shapeshifters. They're amazing, flexible shapeshifters with a hundred forms and they can switch back and forth, or even just do thinks like grow claws for an attack, or bat ears to hear. And it's -easy- for them, like convincing people is for me.

"What I'm getting at, I suppose, is to play to your strengths. If you're good at something, like swinging around that sword, get -really- good at it. The best that ever was. It'll be easier than you think. Just don't get cocky."

Raullaur "There is an old saying: it is not boasting, if you can do it. There might be someone tougher than I out there, but I don't know who it is, and there isn't a second." Raullaur grins, his tail lashing behind him. A grin, "Of course, I'm agreeing with you, here. Is it because you're so good at it?"
Bright Journey Bright laughs out loud. "Hah! See, that's kind of what I was getting at. My answer is, 'You agree with me because I'm being reasonable.' But did I say that because it's true, or because I'm -making- myself seem reasonable? Nothing I say can convince you, right? Because you can't know for certain. If you sleep lightly tonight, I did my job...because there's others there with tongues just as honeyed, and with a lot more poison. You have to think hard about what is said, what is -not- said, and what people have to gain."

Bright eats another grape, relaxed and leaning back. "Can I face you and that sword? Possibly not. I don't care to find out. But I know I'll never give you a serious reason to want to find out."

Raullaur Raul is sitting in one of the chairs as well, and occaisionally picking put a piece of fruit to eat. "I can understand that. Probaly not all of what you're saying, but..." He nods. "I've seen those whose words are honeyed poison. They're the kind who hire us expectingus to succeed AND die trying, so they don't have to pay." He grins a bit. "Haven't had that happen /quite/ yet, and settling accounts was fun."
Bright Journey Bright Journey nibbles on a bit of cheese and leans over, looking Raullaur straight in the eye. "Look...the point I'm trying to make here is every Solar Exalted is -very good- at something. Being the best is what we -do-. I just want to make it clear that there's more than one way to fight, and the sword, as important as it is, can't solve every problem." She chuckles. "I mean, look at me. If a big sword was the only solution to everything what would be the point of me doing what I do? I -like- being the voice of reason, to be honest. I like being popular, I like being agreed with, and I -really- like it when people think I'm right. But what would all that mean if I couldn't defend myself? We all can't only be good at one thing. And we can't only work to defend ourselves against one thing."
Silk Moon Lotus The door Raullaur originally came through opens once more and Silk steps into the room wearing a dressing robe belted tightly at her waist. She yawns slowly "I heard we had a guest. I throught I would come and visit for a while before a nice afternoon nap." She casually walks over to the table with the grace of a dancer and sit in an empty chair. "Please, don't mind me, continue discussing the meaning of being a Solar." She smiles and nods. "I have learned some tricks that let me hear almost too well."
Raullaur "All right. So just because I'm very good at something doesn't mean that someone else isn't good at something else, and can't use that to ruin my day." The lion-man nods. "And hello, Silk. It is good to see you again."
Bright Journey Bright turns halfway in her chair to watch Silk walk in, and offers her a grin that's far too ebullient for the obscene time of day this is for Silk. "Ah, good morning, my dear Silk! Or...well, evening. Or something. My dear, you deserve a glass of wine. I know getting up at this hour is gut-wrenching for you."

She gets up and heads to the wine carafe, busily pouring three glasses while she chats. "Sorry if we were being a bit too loud. But I suppose that's my fault for being invested in the topic of conversation." She smiles warmly. "What it means to be Solar Exalted. Heavens, that's a lot wider topic of conversation than I originally thought. We haven't even gotten into why I thought it was dangerous to not know this."

Silk Moon Lotus "Yes, wine sounds wonderful. I was awoken by someone yelling "There's a giant lionid coming up the coachway!" I figured it was Raullaur and it would be rude of me to sleep through his visit." Silk sips the wine from the glass Bright poured her "An excellent choice." She stares runs her hands through her hair trying to straighten it out enough to not look wild or artful. "Well, I was always an excellent thief, much to my family's dissapointment. I'm not 100% sure why that made me a good candidate for being a solar. I am considering starting to hunt down rogue demons."
Bright Journey Bright laughs quietly at the description as she plays hostess for a bit and sets down a glass of wine for everyone. She grins in reply when Silk compliments her, and gives Silk a fond smile as the dark-haired woman starts rearranging her hair. "The books I've read on the subject actually had a couple things on why people are chosen by the gods. Nothing is set in stone, of course. But it's about being good at what you do, and I think two different books downstairs also mentioned being...proactive. Being willing to go out and get things done. I suppose that fits, though I'm not sure taking the Second Breath isn't what makes us ready to go get things done..." She shrugs helplessly and takes a judicious sip of wine. "I really don't know. No one knows for sure. There's a lot of speculation."
Silk Moon Lotus "I've read a few of the books down there myself. I've learned a lot about demons, ghosts, restless dead, gods, and a bunch of other things that we really shouldn't talk about while eating. I even found a book that talked about the four kinds of exalted before the uprising. Solar, Lunar, Dragon-blooded, and something else that the writer wouldn't name for some reason. Just kept calling them the fate weavers."
"Any luck with getting Frosty to teach you sorcery?"
Bright Journey "Fate weavers..."

Bright Journey looks thoughtful and glances at Raullaur, still eating and listening closely. "Raullaur, you mentioned Sun, Moon, and Stars. Maybe that's related. Not sure. But they must have been terrifying if the author won't even name them. Huh."

Bright looks back at Silk and nods, her expression brighter (so to speak). "Actually, I'm glad you mentioned that. I think I'm making some headway, both in the idea that there's an underlying truth to how we speak and listen to each other, and in just flat practicing how to do sorcery. I've started to realize both are useless without the other, and I have to be honest. I think I'm on the verge of a breakthrough. It feels...like it's on the tip of my tongue." She chuckles. "And normally coming up with things to say is not a challenge for me! I guess it's all in exactly how we communicate...and in how I could -bend- not just the communication, but bend how the communication itself works on that deeper level. Frost has been very helpful."

Silk Moon Lotus Silk nods her head. "The books spoke of sorcery as thought it could be used in ways that go against the way things work in the world. Do be careful and please don't summon any demons." Silk snacks on some of the food on the table for a moment. "Chosen of the Stars, interesting, to think there are others that have been lost to time. I wonder if they are hunted the way the lunars and solars are hunted."
Bright Journey Bright Journey nods thoughtfully. "Mmm...yeah, I remember reading that the whole point of sorcery for the Exalted is it could do things that aren't natural to that kind of Exalted. Which is fair. And, no, Silk, believe me. I do not have Rishi's fetish for demons. I might learn how to summon an elemental eventually, but even that isn't my first goal with sorcery."

"Chosen of the Stars. Huh." Bright pauses, chewing another grape slowly as she thinks. "Maybe so. I know this, though. If there -are- 'fate weavers', and the Wyld Hunt were after them, perhaps they'd be destined to fail. Perhaps someone who can mess with fate can make it so no one can find them. Makes you wonder."

Silk Moon Lotus "Well, that's good to hear. I would hate to hear that you started summoning demons that way that Rishi does. I understand that she feels that they serve her. I worry that they will cause problems someday. I may have to look at those books you have been reading at some point. Summoning elementals sounds useful."
"Perhaps they can change their own fate and appear to be killed when really they aren't? If they can do they, they may be able to write themselves out of history and hide among us. Prehaps they could even be allies?"
Bright Journey "I've thought a lot about that," Bright replies.

"The books are annoyingly vague, but...yes. You know I have an...urge, a feeling that I need to find allies, that we have a great war to prepare for. You know that's why I'm getting ready to head out to find some highly-ranked Lunar Exalted. But my charge doesn't end there. I can't help but feel there -are- more Exalted out there. Exalted I know little about, but may be of great help when the time comes. As I speak it, it feels -right- in a way I...I don't know. But still, I think it's worth looking into. If I could learn enough about them to know where to start looking. Makes you wonder if they're right under our noses.

"Still, though, Speaking to the Lunars feels like the right first step, and not just because I'm hoping to run across my mate." She laughs. "Really, I shouldn't put so much hope that things will be perfect, but perhaps it's in my nature to try. Once I learn a bit of sorcery--hopefully some spell that will let me travel quickly!--I might be back here enjoying a hot toddy by the fireplace before winter is over."

Silk Moon Lotus Silk nods her head and smiles "More books that don't tell you anything specific but tell you a lot of stuff in a different way. That's a lot like how martial arts work actually. They are a lot about feeling and learning how to move a specific way." Silk gets up and refills all of the glasses. She walks back to the table and looks to the guest of honor. "Raullaur, I hope we didn't bore you to sleep. Bright and I like to go back and forth on several topics."
Raullaur Raullaur shakes his head. "It's all right. It isinteresting to listen to. Sorcery? That is...not something I've ever thoguht of. It always seemed..strange, those who could practice it in the tribe..." He nods, "And...what is this about mates, then?"
Bright Journey At Raullaur's questions Bright gets a very fond, but faraway look for a moment. She looks out a window again, before glancing sidelong at Raullaur. "Those...are both things you should -definitely- know. Sorcery is often practiced by scholars, though I only dabble in that kind of thing. I am in the middle of learning it but I don't really plan to go all -that- deep into it. Yet, maybe. The important thing to know is some non-Exalted can learn it, it's not tied to any one type of Exalt but some, like ourselves, find it much easier than others. Every book I've read on the subject says something different about how many kinds--the Immaculate books says there's just sorcery, period, only one kind. Other books says there's a second tier, or second circle of sorcery that only some kinds of Exalted can learn. I know Lunars can learn that second circle because I know Lunars who have, including the one who's been teaching me. There are rumors of a thiurd circle, though...called the Solar circle. You may feel free to guess who is supposed to be able to learn THOSE spells." She chuckles. "Anyway, you have to be pretty sharp and have access to the right books, or the right teacher. Not everyone is cut out for it but it can be a powerful tool."

Bright looks out the window again, not facing Raullaur as she speaks here. "As for mates...well, it's said in many books that Solars and Lunars are...destined, if you will. I think not every Solar has a Lunar mate or vice versa, but some do. I have had...flashbacks...to times I was with my Lunar mate. I know what she looked like." She chuckles a little weakly. "I know what she -smelled- like. But I have no idea what her name was. Or is. Was she reincarnated? Is she a man now? Is she dead? Has she lived since the last time I was alive?" Bright looks at Raullaur directly. "What if she's in love with someone else now? It's been a long time, but there's some nights where I dream..." She sighs. "I just don't know. But I know that I will know her when I see her. If I ever will."

Silk Moon Lotus "That was a lot of information all at once Bright. Have a drink to fortify yourself maybe?" Silk winks playfully at Bright. "So, sorcery is how a lot of things that are more fantastical work in the world. I've considered learning the first circle but I don't know." Silk take a drink from her glass. "As for the solar and lunar mate thing, during the first age, to stop the fighting between the solars and the lunars. The solars all took lunar mates. The bond is supposed to transend reincarnations. I don't remember anything about a lunar mate, but Bright clearly does."
Raullaur Raullaur ponders and nods. "I don't know. If we were all supposed to have them, and the bond persists...well, Creation is very large. it's unlikely we'll meet, unless fate weaves us together, hey?"