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Rishi Rishi has carried Pearly back to one of the alchemical facilities in Elderloch for a close examination. After a little poking and prodding, Rishi has released a strange feeling wave of essence that swept over the other woman, and a few other tests. Now, however, she's simply looking at you, brow furrowed and eyes sad. The lines appearing around her mouth look more angry however. It's a good thing she's a Lunar who doesn't need to worry about gray hair or worry lines.
	 Finally she opens her mouth, and in that melodious voice, she says "Are you wishing to be hearing my diagnosis first or do you wish to be yelling at each other more first?"
Black Pearl Black Pearl has all her mutations unfurled, the scaled hide, the fins, the rainbow sheen to her hide and eyes. Even that rainbow sheen wasn't there, not at the meeting with Princess Maana, but newer than that. "I'll listen to your diagnosis, and I really don't want you yelling at me," she says, rather formally. "If you want to though...I can't stop you."
Rishi "Whatever you and Ammy had been doing in that room, it is seeming that it ...invited in the Wyld to your soul and, with your bond to Ammy and her own Wyld nature... You are now being partly her. I can be removing your mutations with my own talents over the few days. The healing of your soul...will be much more of the complicated and I might need to be breaking your bond with Ammy to finish the treatment. For now, I am thinking that it is being the best to be trying to be helping you sort out which of your thoughts and memories are being yours and which are not."
	 "After that, we can be discussing the treatments you are wanting or not wanting."
Black Pearl "She...she used my collar," she taps the black jade once again around her neck with a hearthstone in it, "and socketed her soulstone in it like a hearthstone. Beween that and where she was--the chamber where her soul was fractured in the first place...it activated and...re-integrated." Pearl closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, "I...it was hurting her. Too much power. I figured...I could help her control it, or protect her...I just throw myself into the struggle with her...." Her eyes open rainbow whorls throughout. "And then I didn't kow anything until you and Bright found us."

Her breathing is steady and at the mention of the bond breaking, she shakes her head. "/No!/" The word sudden, firm, and then she closes her eyes. "Yes, my soul is changed but...I can't give her up. I won't...so..even though I didn't choose it..." She shakes her head, "That at least is part of me now. As for the rest?" She gives a bit of a smile, "I...the longer I have them, the more I am used to them."

Rishi Rishi sighs, looking down. Her sadness and the internal conflict she's feeling shows plainly on her face. "...I am being given this power to be helping the people, to be giving them the bodies they want. But...sometimes it is not being clear whether you are being helping or doing the harm." She shakes her head. "Right now, you are not being in the shape to be making the firm decisions. So, we will be having the talk about what you are wanting later, once you are rested and you are being more clear on who you are being."
	 "For now..." Rishi takes a deep breath...then pulls Pearly into a big hug. Her wings coccoon the two of you, enfolding you in a safe place. "I am being so, so very sorry!" Rishi is crying. "I was not realizing in time what the Raksha lady was doing to you. And...and I was thinking you were needing the time so...so I was not being here when you were needing me again! And...I abandoned you when we were getting here to be trying to protect Ammy, despite you needing more of the help from me! I am being all of the sorry!"
Black Pearl Black Pearl blinks and then hugs close and tight. "No...you are helping. I...I didn't know either, not when she was...was asnctifying the oath, but..." She closes her eyes, "I'd just had it inflicted on me and...and immediately heard people saying I'd be changed gain back to how I was! And...I needed time...time to understand. To be me. To c/choose/ the restoration." She sniffles a bit. "And now this...again, it changed me, even more than before, and....this one...this I know I want to keep. Maybe the body will change, I will ask you to change for me, but...I don't want to leave my soulsister alone..." SHe sniffles and hugs close. "But...tank you. Thank you for what you've done...for both Ametis and me."
Rishi "It is being my pleasure. I... I am needing it as much as you are. The being accepted. It is ...being painful, the knowing that you were not waiting for me to be there, the knowing that maybe I could have been the helping of you both. It ...it is feeling like you are not wanting me. Not careing about me." She hugs the other woman tighter. "I left my home when the people there were not accepting the real me. I was thinking that was being the most painful. But... the knowing you have been accepted, and then ...feeling the losing of that..." There's another flood of tears.
	 Once she can speak again without sniffling, Rishi says "....I would never be forcing anything upon you, ever. I...I am not thinking that you should be making the firm choice now, because you are still in the middle of being the mixed up with the Ammy and it is all being new. But, once you are having the resting and are feeling like you are knowing yourself all the better, you can be telling me what you are wanting and I will be helping you as you are wishing. I am being promising you that."
Black Pearl "I....she was angry at her mother, and so it was...an impulse that led us to do things.And if you had been with us..." She shakes her head, "I don't know if it could have helped. But...you are here now, and we do want you. Accept you. And I know that...what I wish, you will help be achieve." Her fingers reach to stroke through the lunar's hair and she snuggles close. "If you need...want...closeness. Comfort...
Rishi A shudder runs through Rishi's body and the moonsilver that had been covering her skin evaporates back into Rishi's anima, leaving warm and oh, so supple flesh behind. She also hasn't put any clothing on since she arrived in the city. She pulls the other woman close, and then kisses her. First on the mouth, then with a noise that's somewhere between a purr and a growl, starts kissing Pearly's neck. "I have been missing you," she gets out between kisses.
Black Pearl Black Pearl returns the kisses and touches lightly, scales brushing skin and she bares her neck to hose kisses, eyes half-closing. "I...you shouldn't be alone. No-none here should," she murmurs. She gasps slightly and squeezes tighter. "Stay with me," she says as her nails run lightly down the lunar's back.