Log View

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Wandering Lion Wandering Lion had a bit of a rough time. He had set off from Nexus with plans to meet up with his one ally that he knew of so far. And that was just that. He was alone right now. Even with his setting up a small fire, and using a handy tree alcove to sleep under... he wasn't sure what was out there. Not to mention he was troubled by recent events.

Having managed to bag a wild deer he had set to roasting it and skinning it with a small belt knife.

Otherwise, Lion is just that. Alone. In the woods. Perfect prey for anything just about. At least he has something of a tent made from a travelling cloak strung between the roots of the tree!

Eloidhe Eloidhe knew who her mark was-well, in a general sense. Tracking him after the word spread from Nexus was of course a little more challenging. For a while she'd tried to catch up to him as a bird. Finally spotting someone matching the description she'd circled wide and changed.

Walking closer in human form, a lithe woman with long red hair dressed in robes can be seen. She doesn't avoid the dry branches and leaves under foot, but doesn't seek them out either. She walks up to Wandering Lion's small camp as if she were merely out for a stroll, slowing a bit as she gets a better look at things.

Wandering Lion Glancing up, Lion hums as he moves to rise from his seat by the fire. Looking first the opposite direction, then towards Nexus itself roughly, he finally looks to see the red haired woman.

His eyes narrow a bit as he stares for a second, then says, "Might I have your name, and ask why you are here in this part of the forest?"

Turning to look at the deer pieces he is roasting, he carefully moves to turn them one by one. He is being careful to at least keep a bit of an eye on her, though, as if worried that it might be a trick.

Eloidhe "I smelled smoke, and then meat." Eloidhe says, pausing to show empty hands. She follows his look previously towards Nexus. "Only trouble lies in that direction, I hope you aren't heading there." She adds and tucks her hands back into her sleeves. "May I join you?" She asks after a moment, looking at the roasting meat.
Wandering Lion The man gives a hum. "I know this. I just came from that direction a few days back." He sighs, then motions at another log. "Feel free to? I doubt I would be able to save a whole deer for myself."

He settles himself back down after turning the roasting meat a bit more to be safe. Then he settles down, looking at the woman a bit more closely. Seeming to consider, he shrugs.

"You are welcome to stay as well. I am called Wandering Lion." He introduces himself, sighing as he watches the fire. "You still did not give your name... I also was wondering why you are out here? As far as I know, there are no cities or towns out this way."

Eloidhe "I'm avoiding certain people." Eloidhe answers and moves to the indicated log. She sits gracefully, smoothing her robe and sliding her long hair over her shoulder with minimal gestures. "It's generally safer to bet on someone traveling alone than try the mercy of a group of travelers." She gives Wandering Lion a fleeting smile as she casually slips off a sandal. "Wandering Lion? Not the same they say destroyed slaver markets recently?" She asks and slides of her sock to bare the bottom of her foot, marked with a Guild brand for slaves.
Wandering Lion Wandering Lion frowns, then gives a small nod. "I am... former, or current, and do I need to make your owner back off considerably?" Oh, he definitely has done the whole free slaves thing.

"That at least explains why you are out here. Nexus or anywhere like Great Forks so easily..."

Lion places another few branches on the fire from a small pile by his log. His glance at the slave brand has his face darken a bit, but it is only briefly. The anger towards it is obviously there, too.

Eloidhe Eloidhe considers the mark for a long moment. "They would have a hard time keeping me if they could catch me again." She looks at Lion across the fire. "I've heard stories of you though, larger than life I'm sure." She starts covering her foot again. "Nexus is a dangerous place to be alone, I avoid it as often as I can."
Wandering Lion Lion shakes his head. "Nexus is the least of my worries."

He smiles a bit sadly. "Since I have not destroyed a slaver market recently, I guess you know about the whole revolt from my own past. I did not know that rumor of it had spread so quickly."

The man glances up at her. Then he looks to the meat and carefully takes one of the legs, offering it to her. "Here you go. If you smelled the meat, I imagine you must be hungry by now. I at least remember how to cook a good deer or rabbit, I hope." He takes one of the other legs himself, proceeding to begin munching on it as he seems slightly in thought.

Eloidhe Eloidhe takes the meat, biting into it quickly. She looks up at Lion and nods. "I was traveling with a river boat for a while. The captain and crew were slaves. The captain rose up and freed the other slaves and now they run the ship. Got separated, was going to wander a bit until I find them again." She takes a bite and chews thoughtfully. "Didn't think I'd run into you. The way stories have it you're eight feet tall and shine like gold."
Wandering Lion Raising an eyebrow as he munches on his bite of meat, Lion swallows before mentioning, "Ah... that."

He seems to consider, then rubs his chin. "How faithful are you to the Immaculate mumbo-jumbo that is around?"

He obviously has no respect for those Immaculates. Nope! Not at all! And the brand mark definitely shows that he has no worries of her being one, or so he hopes.

Eloidhe Eloidhe gives Lion her most flat stare at the question. "I was born to poor parents in Lookshy." She offers as a way to gage her love for the Immaculates. She bites into the meat and gestures with it as she chews to hear the story.
Wandering Lion Wandering Lion rolls his eyes. "Good. Means I do not have to worry about you trying to kill me in my sleep, at least. I am what they call an Anathema."

Lion says it casually, carelessly, and at least is sincere about it as he takes another bite of the meat. Meanwhile, he busies himself with moving the different pieces of meat away from the fire to let them start to cool.

Eloidhe "Anathema? The monsterous, selfish creatures that want to destroy the world and all we hold dear? The baby eaters and ravishers of men and women alike?" Eloidhe widens her eyes and clutches a hand at the neck of her robes as she stares at Lion. It's almost convincing, her alarm. "Are you evil?" she asks after a moment.
Wandering Lion "Only towards slavers."

The quick reply has him pausing. "... oh, and those abusing the rights of others. I have yet to eat a baby, however."

Wandering Lion blinks, then looks at her. "Oh, come on. If I was going to ravish you, I would have tried some line like 'you can eat if you sleep with me' or 'your hair looks like fire and ignites my soul' or..." He pauses, considering.

"Okay, I ran out of lines on that one." He grumbles, then reaches to a large jug that was behind his log to pull it out. "Ah, do you drink wine? Best thing I have for long travels at the moment. And I have a bit of a favoring towards it, I admit."

Eloidhe Eloidhe's eyes crinkle with amusement. "It's always the hair." She remarks and crosses one leg over the other. "I do in fact drink wine." She nods and continues to polish of the meat given to her. "So, you are anathema, what are you going to do now? Find more slaves to free?" She asks and tilts her head, letting her long hair spill slowly off her shoulder. "Are you going to do it alone?" She adds quietly.
Wandering Lion "At times, yes." Wandering Lion says simply.

"At others, no... I find myself in need of allies, and only one that I have met is willing to help in that regards." He says, taking another bite of the meat.

"Why? Are you wanting to try to help somehow?" He asks.

Eloidhe "Perhaps. But I do know there are others out there, fighting. Like the Unchained Nerid and it's crew. They certainly won't and don't allow slavers to operate. So you are already on the path to protecting others..." Eloidhe smiles and crinkles her eyes. "A regular folk hero." She croons and polishes off the meat, setting the bone down carefully.
Wandering Lion "Already?" Wandering Lion asks, tilting his head to one side. He is definitely taking his time with his meal.

"I can not speak much of how I became what I am, to be honest. But... I do find myself lost at times. I only have one real goal, and that is something that I... saw. Or possibly heard. Something asked me to bring right to the world. To break those chains holding others to false truths." He muses.

"Yet... for all the skill I had in the arena, and for the... abilities I have now, I do not know which way to go at times. I even know of trouble rising here, in the Scavenger Lands. But I do not know how to confront it." He looks to the fire again. "Yet, you are calling me something like 'hero'..."

Eloidhe "You are." Eloidhe rises and paces with the fire between them. "An anathema bathed in the golden light of the sun. Solar-chosen of Sol Invictus on high to rule Creation in the First Age. The champions of Creation." She intones and clasps her hands lightly as she walks and turns about to return, looking at Lion. "You said you know of another-could they not help you here?" She presses and quirks a brow.
Wandering Lion Frowning, Lion looks at her. "Their goals are not the same as mine." His eyes narrow as he looks at her carefully. The pacing has him looking very carefully at that.

"You seem to like asking about myself... care to tell me more about how you escaped?" He asks, casually, as if trying to figure out a puzzling mystery to himself. "Or should I do as those scriptures say and try to ravish you to find out?"

Eloidhe "I was great and terrible." Eloidhe answers with a lift of her chin. "I flew the coop-as they say." She continues to move and gesture airly. She comes around the fire a step or two. "Who's the friend, maybe we've met." She looks Lion up and down before smiling lazily. "I don't think you would find out much of use with methods like that." She steps back around the fire and keeps watching him as her hair trails behind like a banner.
Wandering Lion "And I find you need to give me a reason to trust you." Wandering Lion says. He stares hard at her, frowning. "I do not give out information on my friends without at least being able to trust those I do know."

Lion moves to stand, having finished his own leg of deer before casually tossing the bone to one side. He might not be actually eight feet tall, but he is at least tall. And very much the fighter that might have been included in the rumors. Agitation starts to show, and perhaps a bit of annoyance. Annoyance that... was that some sort of butterfly that just flew from behind him?

Eloidhe Eloidhe turns, eyes flickering to the butterfly and back to Lion. "Not much control." She tsks and faces him with a little whirl. "You've perceived I'm more than I seem-good. If you thought I was just a nosy mortal you wouldn't be as agitated with my many questions. Your intuition is to be applauded."
Wandering Lion Wandering Lion glares. "Who and what are you?" He gives a threatening sounding growl. If he was not a Solar, he might be mistaken for a Lunar. At least that growl says where his name came from.

He moves to go around the fire, to approach her. Close as he is, he must appear even more threatening. "Why do you want to know about others? Are you with the Wyld Hunt?"

Eloidhe Eloidhe looks up at Lion as he comes around. Her eyes slide up to his and she stands very still. Briefly a flash of silver shines on her forehead and then it stands clear as she loosens the collar of her robes and slides them down about her shoulders and back, turning with a scoop of her hair to show the moonsilver tattooed into her skin. "I'm anathema. One of the Stewards." She says and looks over her shoulder at Lion. "Satisfied?"
Wandering Lion Wandering Lion looks carefully. Then leans in to inspect the tattoo. To make sure it is not a trick. "... Stewards..." He seems to consider, as if trying to remember exactly what she is. "Luna's Chosen?"

It finally comes to him as he looks at her carefully. "Why not tell me sooner? Why the asking of secrets that are not mine to be given?" He moves back around the fire, settling himself down as he looks at her even more carefully. "Are you alone out here, or are you simply as lost as I am?"

Eloidhe "I'm alone, but I'm not lost." Eloidhe draws her robes back over her shoulders and sits. She looks at Lion. "Generally speaking I don't lead in with Lunar. It's not wise." She looks him up and down. "Your careless with your safety, but not with others. Why?" She asks and props her chin in her hand.
Wandering Lion Wandering Lion smiles. "I do not know. I guess you could call it a 'hero' thing. I prefer if nothing else to have myself the target. I can take a lot more, and if need be, I can call out my armor. That would be the rumored golden glow."

"In a way, I also miss the attention from the arenas. I am not exactly lacking that at the moment." Shaking his head, he sighs as he looks to the fire again. "The Lion part comes from there. They say I fight like one."

Eloidhe "I see. Fight like a Lion." Eloidhe smiles lazily and looks at him. Slowly the Lunar looks around them and the silver fades to normal skin. "As I said. It seems like your setting out on the right path, fighting. It's neat. Good when I don't have to hold their hand to make sure they have their feet wet. So-what's the trouble out here?" She transitions and tilts her head with a lazy smile.
Wandering Lion Lion narrows his eyes. "Oh no... you answer a few more of mine first. Like your name for one." He says towards her. "Unless you want to see if I do more than fight like a Lion."

An eyebrow is raised at her, as if daring her to tempt that one.

Eloidhe "So, let me get that straight, it's tell me your name or you'll...scratch me? Roar at me maybe?" Eloidhe leans back on a hand and studies her nails. "Why does my name matter? I'm here to help, is that not enough?" She adds and looks at the flames.
Wandering Lion Lion raises an eyebrow. "Hm. I knew the red hair was fake." He smiles. "The name matters so I can know who I am talking to, rather than some stranger. I suppose if you are not willing to part with something as simple as a name, I might as well get some sleep."

He rises, pulling out a cloth bag and wrapping it around a couple of the meat pieces. Then he moves towards his makeshift shelter, grabbing his jacket and rolling it into a pillow as he lays down under the travelling cloak.

Eloidhe "It's Eloidhe. And my hair is very real and more work than it's worth but women do have their little vanities." She sighs airily. "Names are never simple. You should know that, yours is so very descriptive of your nature I'm sure."
Wandering Lion Lion gives a small grin, "It is. However, if you hide your true name then you do not have to worry about such things."

"To answer your question, a Dynast House is making moves on the Scavenger Lands." He supplies helpfully. "What is your real reason for finding me here?"

Eloidhe "There were whispers of a new Solar." Eloidhe reclines on her side along the log and props herself up on an elbow. "Sooo, I thought I'd scope things out, get a sense of what this slave freeing Solar was like, what path their on. Sometimes you need a little nudge, exaltation doesn't come with a book of instructions."
Wandering Lion Humming, Lion gives a small nod. "It does not. I did find that a bit disarming when I ripped manacles from fellow slaves." An eyebrow is raised as he looks over at her.

"No new questions?" He waits to see if she has any. Apparently happy to at least return information for getting it. "Although, this has to be the strangest form of pillow talk I have ever had." He quips.

Eloidhe Eloidhe laughs and shakes her head a little. "You called my hair fake." She narrows her eyes at him. "Will you look for the Unchained Nerid? You might find aid among them on your quest." She prompts and studies her nails idly.
Wandering Lion Lion chuckles. "You were acting all airy and as if you were one of those blondes who get by on their looks alone." He shrugs.

Considering, he sighs. "I do not know. If our goals are the same, perhaps. But my quest is a bit broader than simply freeing slaves, I think. Slavers are just my main form of target these days, mostly to free those that are unwilling such as we were. And did not deserve to be such."

Eloidhe "It's always good to have goals, but start small." Eloidhe recommends and slides her supporting arm out to rest her cheek on her arm and she watches Lion. "You let me get close, and gave me food didn't you?" She points out and sighs. "Traveling is exhausting. I flew ages to track you down." She luxuriates and reaches over her shoulder to gather all that red hair up for a pillow.
Wandering Lion "I see. You are welcome to come over here if it gets too cold out. The tree roots keep the heat in. And I will not do anything unless you ask." Lion mentions, then yawns and closes his eyes. "Also, I gave you food because you looked hungry. Not many will say no to a good meal, and sometimes you hear things from fellow travellers. Good night, Eloidhe. Pleasant dreams."