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Amethyst Amethyst has been considering, experimenting, and more excited and energetic than she's ever been before. The thrill of having even the smallest bit of her wyld powers back has sent the young dragon into overdrive with thoughts and plans and ideas and maybe has made her a little more reckless than usual.

She sent a message to Salara asking her to meet in her shop. There's an exploded bottle on her work table with some unknown substance leaking out, with the young dragon's anima faintly glowing in her usual blue-green color.

Black Pearl Salara has not been one to be reckless. Bold, certainly, when needed, but generally measured and confident. Hence, why she has not bathed herself in the pool. Yet.

She comes in, and as the remnants of the explosion are evident, she concentrates a moment, to let her own aura come around her in the deep purple it normally is. "Hello, love! Your note was...I thought it urgent I come." She gives a warm smile, "I am not sure if it was excitement, or something being off, but...here I am! Now...what is all the mystery about?"

Amethyst Amethyst grins as her love comes in. "Hey! It's not particularly urgent, apologies if it came off that way!" Amethyst beams, "I think I'm just excited." She goes over and closes up her shop and leads Salara into the back, and produces a simple leatherbound journal. "This, this is why."

She offers it to Pearls, "I'm remembering the other powers I had as a Dream-Souled and I'm thinking it might be possible for me to reclaim more of those abilities."

"Fittingly, I'm only remembering them in my dreams. But I've been recordng them for further analysis." She explains. "And I've also been considering the future and what I wanna do with myself more long-term than just living here in Great Forks."

Black Pearl "I do not know if I will manifest anything like you have. We shall see. Beyond that?" She smiles and reaches out a hand, "I'm glad to help you with reclaiming them, but I am also definitely interested in the future." She takes the leather journal gently and holds it.
Amethyst "Imagine staring down a fae horde, with you and your siblings side by side, each of you commanding your own little dream-woven armies. And having so much control over the wyld that you can even deceive the fae." Amethyst says. "It's amazing. Though that dream doesn't end nicely."

"As for the future, I want to make the sort of nation that I've been thinking about for a while, where the various sorts of Exalted can work together rather than being at one another's throats." Amethyst explains. "And to generally make more of a mark on the world around me."

Black Pearl "I can understand that. And...I don't know that I want to weave dreams like that. But I can well understand the lure of power and giving yourself entirely to a cause, so that it becomes your identity."

"But...I would still like to try, if at all possible, to change the direction the Realm goes. And if it fails?" She licks her lips, "Would Elderlock be a suitable place for such a nation? I have wanted to go back, but the time was never right..."

Amethyst "Here's the thing about the Realm," Amethyst starts, "It's made up of people all up and down, who've been born bread and taught to understand that the Dragon-Blooded are the pinnacle of enlightenment and power and it's their natural place to rule over all others."

"I don't rate our chances very high of convincing them otherwise. But then you have the flipped side of the coin with the Lunars." She continues, "There's a lot of Lunars who want the Realm to be destroyed, and most still hold their on vendettas against us Dragons. We'd have to somehow enact change from within while facing one hell of an enemy without. And all the Lunars I know seem to have this incredible stubborness to their ideals. We're not gonna convince them anymore than we can convince the leadership of the Realm."

"And that's not even including the impending civil war and the way the power vacuum is going to tear the Realm apart. If you really, really want to try to save it, we might be able to maybe convince a single Great House or maybe some Patricians, but I don't think we'll be able to convince the Realm as a whole."

Black Pearl "I know. My House is one that doesn't even want the throne...just to destroy the other Houses. But if the Lunars don't want to see the Realm transition peacefully..." She shakes her head. "I still love it. I don't want to see it murdered. If I can try to help things be better, I want to. But I am fearing more and more that it is impossible..."

She looks sad, and shakes her head, "So if that is...impossible, then where...where do you think we should situate? Where do you think is safe for us to be and grow powerful so that we can have the culture we want, and nt be bullied by outsiders?"

Amethyst Amethyst hugs her love and pats her, "That's the question then, isn't it? At first I considered the Hundred Kingdoms but that's... a little too close to Lookshy for my liking. To say nothing of how the rest might simply unite against us."

"I'll need to look at a map and think. I'm pretty sure that unless we somehow create a bunch of new land or something that wherever we wanna setup, it'll already be occupied. So we'll need to overthrow whoever's currently in charge. Preferrably some sorta tyrant so that the population comes to love us more than their old regime or some such."

Black Pearl "Between us, and with Rishi and Hoarfrost, we could easily let them love us. As for the Hundred Kingdoms, well...there is always instability there. I think that beastman of a merc leader is plotting to find one of them to take over...There is always the West, and the Islands and Archipelagos there. That would be far away from here, and anyone looking for us as /us/..."
Amethyst "If we go out west we'll almost certainly come to blows with House Peleps. I can't imagine they'll let some 'anathema friendly' island nation set up shop." Amethyst says, "Though I do know that my father was a legendary sailor. He once had an entire fleet under his command, or so his stories go."

"One of my thoughts was the Southeast, actually. We're more than capable of dealing with fae threats that others would balk at. Maybe there's somewhere along the Dreaming Sea or even perhaps among it that we could build our nation."

Black Pearl "Why not Elderloch? Or at least go there and ask what would be suitable? I know I enjoyed my time there, even if being in Glorious's camp was terrifying. If you don't want to do that, there's the Southwest instead, among other jungles. But yes, I can understand not wanting to be crosswise with your parents' House."

"It is a shame that it only takes one to start war, but requires all to have peace. But otherwise..." She frowns, "Prasad is on the southern side of the Dreaming Sea...if we're on land, we'll want to look on the northern side, I think."

Amethyst "Elderloch could be an idea." Amethyst says, "The only issue with Elderloch is the fact that it's way underneath the Dreaming Sea. Not very easy to get into or out of, which is an advantage and a limitation. Good news is that not many folks could attack us, but it also would limit our ability to do much beyond its walls."
Black Pearl "I think it will be a good base for us to go out from and establish somthing else, then. And it would be polite to let them know we are meaning to change the balance of power around the place, yes?"
Amethyst "That would probably be appreciated. And I'm sure that they wouldn't entirely mind, we did save their asses." Amethyst says. "The closest settlement to Elderloch is Champoor and there's an established, well, as established as an undersea route gets to and fro that city."

"I should get some maps."

Black Pearl "Well, Champoor is rather established...I can look into what the city is like, if it would be well-suited to subversion. Or we can settle somewhere new, but that makes us weak to start with. Either way...it will be interesting."
Amethyst "I theoretically have contacts back there, though I'll need to re-establish myself." Amethyst considers, "Though I meant more for how we can get to and fro without needing to use the portal. Speaking of, we do still have the portal that leads back to Elderloch."

"We can use Elderloch as our powerbase until we can get properly established somewhere on the surface." Amethyst nods, "Then we just expand from there."

Black Pearl "I have no contacts, and anyone of the organization I can use is...loyal to the organization, not to me. I'll have to...re-build from the ground up. And posibly change my appearance so rumors down connect to me..."

"I do like the thought of Elderoch as base, but then moving out from it. And...it's a shame we cannot build another pair of portals..."

Amethyst "I mean we probably /could/ build another portal if we needed to." Amethyst notes, "What were you planning?"

"As far as rebuilding contacts, I mean, I guess we'll have to talk to my mother and see what she has to say. She's the one with the most contacts in the area. Maybe talk with Rishi too since she's from Ysyr, tho I don't think she's in any hurry to return to that place..." Amethyst rubs her head, "Figuring out who to trust'll be an interesting endevour but I'm sure we can manage."

Black Pearl "As I have heard, Misa is from Prasad, and Raullaur is also from that area, but I don't know how much they would know about where we would go. Other than that..." She nods, "Silk has the same dream we do, so see if she knows anyone in the area...or perhaps if she comes to visit later on..."
Amethyst "I already did wanna wrap Raul into this idea. I don't know if I've ever met Misa before." Amethyst says. "In any case it sounds like we definitely have an idea here. I'll talk to some of these people, see what I can learn. I should probably talk to Bright too, she'll be key in any social negocations we end up with."
Black Pearl "Oh? How so? Or do you want to bring it up after you discussed it with him?" Black Pearl nods, then chuckles, "Do you think when we leave, we might arrange for a number of people to have funds stolen from them and transferred to where we might use them?"
Amethyst "I do plan on maintaing a presence here in Great Forks, at least to some extent or another. I'm gonna find someone to run my shop in my absence."

"But I do like a good heist what'cha thinkin'?" Amethyst grins

Black Pearl "I cannot leave without getting a different assignment from the All-Seeing Eye...or resigning from them. I also know where most of the secret accounts are. Then there are accounts for the Immaculate Monks, and others. On a different note, Spring Wind is having he help her make a run against one of the less savory slavers dealing with farther East."
Amethyst "So you're suggesting stealing from these accounts and then going awol?" Amethyst asks, "That's uh, that's really brave I think." She chuckles.

"I wouldn't mind having a run at someone like that myself." She says. "What's the plan? Steal their money and free their slaves?"

Black Pearl "Pretty much, but I would definitely need to become...other than I am so the assassins won't recognize me." Salara grins a bit. "And yes, we are going to steal money. The slaves?" She thinks and grimaces, "The problem is that they're poor enough, they're going to just be rounded up and enslaved again anyway, unless we get them out of here...or set them up in business. What /I/ thought is we plant evidence of crimes that will fine him a hell of a lot...and the slaves get seized from him. They'll almost certainly be better off than with him...or if they get captured from being broken out from him."
Amethyst "Yeah um, let's not provoke the Realm into actually caring about what we're doing over here." Amethyst says, "Like I told Rishi, all of us are sorta connected and if one of us gets in trouble it's gonna come down on the rest of us. Especially since me and you have pretty tight ventures going on. And so long as thbe portal remains in my shop I can't really afford to lose it or abandon it." Amethyst says, rubbing her head.

"As far as the slaves go, I wonder if they'd be willing to live in Elderloch and get the mutations needed to do that..."

Black Pearl "Maybe they will, maybe they won't...but some of them who don't want to go would probably sell out escapees to get favorable treatment--whether they would actually get favorable treatment or not." She shakes her head. "Everyone has a price, and for some people, the price is absurdly low..."
Amethyst "In any case, none of us should go as ourselves." Amethyst says, "Hide that we even had involvement, yeah?"
Black Pearl "I will be asking Silk to help us, since we are trying to not leave any trace that we were there. And considering how we did in Glorious's camp, I think that would work well." She looks curiously, "I know you can disguise yourself as anyone you want now, but...do you have the mindset of a thief? I know you can move silently and without as much notice..."
Amethyst "I did run with a band of thieves in my youth. Champoor's just kinda that sort of city." Amethyst grins. "So it's not like I'm completely unfamiliar with the idea. The biggest thing insofar as disguises go is that I'm not great at thinking my faux identities through."
Black Pearl "I understand. As for identity..." She thinks a moment, "If you can spare some time, go to Nexus and make it from there. Or...someone from a different place you know well /pretending/ to be from Nexus. The other alternative, to get a different sort of thing is...lean into the Realm. Claim to be from there, and maybe get away with being a pretender?"
Amethyst "I'll have to consider that." Amethyst says, rubbing her chin. "I do know enough about the Realm to pose as being from there proper. Maybe a trip to Nexus is an order sometime tho."

"For now, I'm gonna sit and think on these ideas and maybe make plans to meet with more of the Exalted of this city."

Black Pearl "Of course. And I will be glad to do more with you...and I will be seeing Rishi soon and see what happens in the pool! Beyond that..." She smiles, "I am looking forward to the future! If there is anything you'd especially like to see, or that I can help you do, that I need to train for, let me know."