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Tiziri A rare break in the whole tournament atmosphere in the city. Even it can't party every day. Probably. Though such a statement could be seen as a challenge... Whatever the case, things aren't so lively in town for once. A welcome respite for many! Out deep in the woods, a tower has arisen. Such might not be noticed by most. It is indeed, deep in the woods. Away from any trails or paths. Yet those who are of a more natural bent could stumble upon it. Or those who followed Tiziri to it. Frankly, it's a prety nice little pavillion of a tower! A Pagoda in a South Eastern style, Ivory walls and well made.
Fudou the Mountain There is no doubt some 'respite' although with a city nicknamed Decadence and a home of thousands of competing gods.. 'respite' may mean something slightly different then it does in a city like Greyfalls or another with more normalized activity. Either way the lull, such as it is, has allowed for a certain Fudou the Mountain to make his way out of the city for the expanse of the wilds. His time in Great FOrks has positively urbanized him compared to many of his fellow Lunars. HE's grown comfortable with its offerings. Its vices... Espeically its vices. The tournament isn't helping either. Glory at best. But a mere distraction, mostly, when compared to what he -should- be doing with his might.

so he sets out to clear his head, taking a night flight as a hawk. Shapeshifting isn't something he does much either these days.

Upon seeing the tower, he circles it and then begins rapid descent to seek a landing on its roof. He recognizes this. Or something that looked like it. The sight prompts him to investigate even though it may not be what he thinks it is.

Tiziri Naturally, they all have a unique feel... those in the know might also realize that such a place represents a rather puissant skill in certain arts as well, which makes them exceptionally dangerous, and likely exceptionally interesting to boot. Either way. As the hawk makes its way down it will notice something. Tiziri pushing through the underbrush to make her way to the gate... which might be less notable if not for a second Tiziri also making her way from another direction calling out in greetings to that other one. The first pauses and smiles, waving back, and waiting. Then the two head their way on into the pavillion. Where next to a fountain in the garden outside is still another Tiziri! In meditation from the lokos of her.
Fudou the Mountain He had just been chided by Rishi, of all people, for implying some underestimating of the gifts and talents afforded to the chosen of luna.

This is still bizarre and unexpeced. He can't very well be expected to know each and every possible trick in the book, so to speak.

WIth no voice, so to speak, he's left to simply internalize his confusion an watch a moment longer as the Tiziri's continue their gathering..disinclined to reveal himself just yet lest whatever is about to happen get disrupted.

Tiziri It gets all the more confusing when still another Tiziri emerges from the Pavillion, towelling her hair. And another soon after comes walking out of the woods! The meditating Tiziri opens her eyes as that one arrives, and the small talk amongst the rest ceases. "Welcome back sisters." The meditating one says, "I hope the tournament has been fun so far? Anything new and interesting to report?"

The one that just arrives grins and says, "Nothing with the tournament, but I ran into the so called Despairing Inferno again, he wants a rematch. I think the poor bloke is just lonely, and we're the best poetry he's had yet." the others all giggle at this, the meditating one in the center nodding.

"That sounds like it could be a grand time. A shame he can't find some others. A joyous Air Spirit, or a pensive small god. We could make it quite the time if so!"

Fudou the Mountain The gossiping begins.

Perhaps asking Tiziri to keep an eye on matters around the tournament was the right choice after all. This certainly puts to context some of the cryptic things she had said to him.

And so he takes flight once again, moving up and away from the pavilion, flying behind it and then circling down towards a large enough clearing within the woodlands to enable him to once more assume his gigantic true form. One instant a bird. The next - Fudou - in the blink of an eye and the ground rumbling softly at his heavy tread once he fully manifests.

Upon getting his bearings he turns and begins approaching the pavilion once again, this time moving in a round about way to circle back towards teh front. He makes no attempt to disguise his coming either. The branches cracking and the trees ruestling as he passses and draws closer to the gates.

Tiziri There is suddenly a screech like a bird at dawn! It comes from nowhere, or perhaps everywhere. Lovely and alarmed all at once. Suddenly two of the Tiziris run towards the gate, grabbing spears at the entry. The other three grab them as well, but remain within, two guarding the one in the center it seems, even as that one looks to be concentrating even more intently!

But then? The two that rushed to the entry look at the form and one calls back. "It's just Fudou." At which pont all of them relax, and a certain... aura of dread dissipates as well. As if soemthing else was weirdly wrong. The one in the center sits back down, setting the worn looking spear aside and beckons Fudou in as one at the gate says, "Have you ever been in an Ivory Orchid Pavillion? Don't be alarmed if you love it, a lot." She quips, grinning widely in that impish Tizir way. "The food is perfectly safe, and wonderful." The other states.

Fudou the Mountain "I'm sure I might but my enjoyment may be better if I have a better idea of just who I'm enjoying it with luv."

Fudou's deep voice is equal parts amused and confused as hewalks in and gestures to each of the present TIziri as if tyring to find out which Tiziri is which. Who is the rightful and true one, if such a person even exists. He presumes the one in the center, addressing him and so ends up pointing directly at her.

"You have some tricks up your sleeves.. This another one of the QUeen of Fangs gifts of knowledge? I would say I'm impressed but then my Shahan-Ya may chide me for giving her such a compliment..."

Tiziri "Not at all." The one that is still sitting inside says before getting up and going to grab a jug of wine. "This is all my own. If anything, I'd say Rishi... inspired it. I realized something after helping her with something else." The others all move to their own places and get some wine, or fruit. "The food is wonderful. No meat, but nuts, vegetables, fruit, and wine is hardly something to complain about. Would that I knew this spell on some of my lone desert treks back in the day. Would've made them a lot easier." She sips at the wine then laughs. "I might not have left so quickly either." She laughs, the others joining in. But then says, "As for who? I'm the Tiziri you typically think of as such. The rest are me too. Though not right now. Once we're ready, we can be me again." She grins impishly.
Fudou the Mountain That didn't help with his confusion. He scratches the back of his head and just studies Tiziri and the situation at hand. He seems disinclined to eat, instead trying to set his mind to understanding this all.

"It was Rishi that chided me about under estimating the gifts of Luna's chosen mere days ago on a subject matter that..."

Fudou pauses and then slowly allows a mild grin and a faint reddening of his cheeks, "Well I'll just say that it was on a matter of ...challenge of a certain sort. But either way I shouldn't be surprised she'd inspire you to this sort of trickery. I've delved into training on matters that suit me but I suppose as a FUll Moon that's to be expected. This, however, I did not realize was possible..."

Tiziri Tiziri shrugs a little at this. "I'm hoping I pleasantly surprise my Shahan-ya next time when I show her." Tiziri says, but then she giggles. "Though truth be told I expect she already suspected it of me. Or at least knows of the trick. She's likely seen any tricks any of us have come up with and far more on top of it." She sips her wine and stretches. "But still, enjoy the stay. Don't worry about me, and me, and me, and me." A pause, "Oh, and don't forget me." She giggles more still, the others joining in. One saying, "Hey! You almost forgot me." Tiziri keeps that cheshire grin on her face but looks back to Fudou and says, "Our gifts are myriad. It is for us to discover them." Another sip and she says, "Thought if you're wondering why I've seemed tired, this isn't exactly easy."
Fudou the Mountain "Hmm..that does explain that. This can't be easy to maintain indefinently... Are you weakening yourself by spreading yourself..so ...thin?"

Fudou finally sits down, cross legged, looking at Tiziri curiously and then slowly grinning, "I am sure she will be impressed. She can't be -that- jaded, especially where her pupils are concerned.."

There's a pause and then FUdou asks with some amusement, "You know, Tiziri, you've never asked who my Shahan-Ya is.. or at least the one I considered closest to being one to me. Had you guessed?"

Tiziri "I have not. No." Tiziri says first. "Frankly, I always figured you might tell me if it mattered. Or I could ask." She muses, before reaching for some grapes nearby and holding the vine bundle up to bite one off of. "As for Raksi, I doubt she will be. I am her favorite. One of the few that keeps up in conversation with her adequately. If nothing else, well, she'll be exceptionally happy about my sorcerous exploits." Another bite. "Now, the trick? Less tired now. It's more hard to start than maintain. The main limit is distance once I've had enough time to rest. I did have to pause another project of mine for a while to regain my strength. But I'll be back to that easily enough too. Admittedly, probably shouldn't have called up this little home again, but,... oh well! A great night's rest is worth it sometimes."

Seemingly without missing a beat she asks, "So who is it? Please tell me not Ma Ha Suchi? Not that I care too much. Though it will make you visiting the Queen of Fangs a bit more awkward."

Fudou the Mountain "Why do you think I told you that if I visited the Queen of Fants -I- was probably going to be more under scrutiny then Bright or Makara if he came." responds Fudou all but confirming Tiziri's guess.

"The old wolf and the sorceress queen have a feud rooted in the very roots of the Silver Pact. It's foolish and destructive but unfortunantely it is the current reality."

He finally takes up a bit of fruit and looks it over. "However, if I accompany you, I will not lie about my association with him. She will find me impressive or unimpressive on my own merits or lack of them. But I can't agree with her either."

He pops he fruit into his mouth and then grins in a broad close lipped grin as he chews and then swallows.

"Tihs journey isn't for us after all." he adds, "We can hardly mend a broken relationship that doesn't want to be mended..."

Tiziri Tiziri is quiet for a while before taking a deep breath and say, "A student is not the teacher. No matter the feuds." She ends up saying with a pursed lip expression. "Do not bring war and it might be ok. As you say, and expect, you will be scrutinized." She sets the grapes aside before sipping her wine again deeply.

"I don't expect the feud resolved either. I am glad it has not been furthered of course. Though yes, awkward." She shrugs again then. "You understand the risks. So that's what matters too." Another sip. "I am certainly one far more interested in the feud with the Realm than any internal conflict. Even better to go further afield, I might be close to ready to go to the Caul if such a journey does begin, it might be interesting."

Fudou the Mountain "Well that's the problem, is it not? They stood united to bleed The Shogunate and THe Realm down but were at odds on what to do with it afterwards...so much so they each feel they've abandoned the other. I've listened long to his rants and frustrations but things are differnt now, aren't they? The Solars have returned and so the wolf stirs and the queen of fangs might as well. I think that's what's important. This is not the same atatus quo as it was for many years. Now the Sun Chosen walk the world again as do these...demon powered Exalted and the Deathknights among many others. Surely that must count for something."

Fudou shrugs lightly and then adds, "I have heard Raksi needles Ma-Ha-Suchi's adherents and the wolf of Roses himself if both are present. That is her way I suppose. I've no desire to even bring it up but should it come up..well.."

He grins, "I can be charming, don't you think? Charming for a bandit and brute. No?"

Tiziri "You do have your charisma. The arena has done you some good it seems." One of the Tiziris says, not the original. Though the original says, "The return of the Solars offers its... interesting. Our teachers certainly know a lot that can be of use. These champions of death though? I fear they're the ones our teachers might be most important to help with. We may be strong, but a veteran champion of the First Age is far more ready and probably able to face new challenges while we learn to become capable of such as well." A pause, "I don't like the idea of these Demon Exalts either, and I say that as one who is well aware of dealing with those of Malfeas."
Fudou the Mountain "But that's just it, Tiziri. A veteran of the FIrst Age brings with them First Age thinking and FIrst Age problems. The situation is different now, don't you think? The return of the Solars, newly exalted and in large numbers, is something that wasn't ever expected. Hoped for. Or feared perhaps. These elders of the pact have to be shown that the Solars presence -means- something. Otherwise fighting the Deathknights isn't much different then fighting the fae and the wyld, is it?"

He looks away and frowns, "We are capable. Neither of us are neophytes. We could be ruling nations if we wanted. Stronger, I bet, then many of our peers."

He pauses and then adds, "As to the arena..I was a charmer before then! That's just allowed me some room to stretch a little!"

Tiziri "Admittedly, they were both quite young at the End. they hardly fought in the things that made the First Age what it was like so many." Tiziri concedes, before she adds. "All the same, I'm glad they are there. New challenges or not. If things get truly bad, it is nice to know they are out there as well. Ones like our Shahan-ya, let alone some of the other True Elders you hear even less of." She holds a hand out then, as if inspecting her nails. "And someday, I might just want to rule a nation of my own. When I decide where I like well enough. Until then, I'll remain the Ardent Vagabond. Queen of the Roads. Searcher of new experiences. Very glad I've learned a way to experience more in less time." She cackles a bit at that last bit.