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Tiziri Tiziri looks to be walking around in a robe today, a rather modest sort of one at that if not for the tight belt at the waist, complete with a head veil - though her face is left uncovered, leaving her easy enough to recognize if someone knows her at least. The young woman just another of many who is wandering the market. She has just emerged from a wine seller stall, and has opened up the small jug like jar she bought and takes a drink from it.
Grave Saint Somewhere in a plaza in Great Forks, there is a pale skinned woman with long hair dressed in a kimono black as night with its only other colors be the red spider lily patterns in her dress. It seems she is a high priestess of one of the many cults in Great Forks. "Do not be afraid. The troubles that beset Creation such as the chaos in the Blessed Isle, invasion of Thorns and the many other turmoils that cause people to suffer all over the Eight Directions. But there is a promise, that there will be a day where it all ends. A day heralding eternal serenity, end of suffering, and the cessation of all wars."

"It shall be heralded by the dragon of creation and extinction, Sextis Jylis for they shall soon break this neverending cycle of nonsensical tribulations for he shall start the final harvest!"

Fudou the Mountain Not far from either women is a certain gigantic 'Exigent'. The Mountain. Chosen of some distant south eastern god of mountain ranges, earthquakes and strength and all that entials. It simply wouldn't due to keep it simple after all or get people asking too many questions.

He doesn't really pay too much attention to the preaching at first. It's common here after all. The city of a thousand temples and a thousand gods. So over populated with spirits that you can find desperate gods 'begging' in the form of giving out miracles on street corners in order to gain fame, let alone the more extravgant displays. So that some mortal is preaching in a plaza isn't unusual. He lounges, laying his gigantic body across a large wall like some sort of sunning great cat with one jug of drink on a huge arm. A bare chested bruiser either too above or too below the religious talk to pay attention to it.

Until he starts listening a bit more closely. Fudou takes a pull from his jug and then levels his gaze on the pale woman while raising an eyebrow thoughtfully but he doesn't move yet.

Tiziri The woman in the robe wanders along and seems to see the preacher. She even pauses, looking interested for the moment if nothing else. It's a more impressive bit of preaching than most of the begging gods for sure! A nice way to drink and enjoy a bit. Even if it's a bit dark in tone. Her head is tilted to the side a bit while she watches, at least when she isn't swigging from the wine. For the moment Tiziri is quiet though.
Grave Saint Despite her fervent devotion, she seems frustrated that there are only few people watching and half of them are already part of her faith. After the sermon, she sighs with some disappointment that it wasn't her day. Even the most godly of artists can have duds after all. "All those who are interested in our devote ways, head for the field of red spider lilies near this city" Before she truly finishes her sermon, she announces the holy grounds of her faith. "All are welcome to visit our shrine, no charge"

She looks more like a tired waitress than a priestess of one of the cults after that. But she attends to the questions of those that truly listened.

Fudou the Mountain "You're goign to have to work on your delivery if you want people to sign up for a death cult, luv. Not while there are temples offering people their best selves, healing or promising riches in their next lives."

Fudou takes a swig from his jug again and then swings his massive body around so that he's sitting on the top of the large wall, massive legs dangling a few feet from the ground even though he's certainly a story up at least.

"Strange though. A Dragonblooded themed death cult. How fascinatingly morbid!"

Tiziri "Talk well though." Tiziri agrees with what Fudou says, "But he's right. Things are pretty good here in Great Forks. Even for those it isn't great, it's still ok." She takes a deep swig of her jar then, "I admit I've yet to hear about that particular dragon myself, so it was pretty fascinating all the same for a scholar like me. I can honestly say I learned something today!" She grins widely. The young woman in what definitely looks like the robes of the deep deserts of the south continues studying this strange priestess.
Grave Saint She does not know whether that was mockery, but she turns to the giant exigent. "Death cult? Such exaggerated words. You do not need human sacrifices or drink poison just to await the end for it shall come eventually no matter how much you avoid it. I let my followers do their usual lives but they all know that promised day will come" She does not sugarcoat despite it being one of the dreadful doctrines of her faith. "Many find my interpretation of the great dragon of the East strange, but they deny even his other siblings have equally more destructive aspects. Like how he brings spring, he brings autumn"

She then gives an interesting trivia. "Amusingly, Wood Dragon Style is far more destructive than the martial art dedicated to the fire dragon Hesiesh. Unlike the other Immaculate arts where it only seals or defeats the spirit, it's final moves truly destroys gods as it rots the soul. Too bad the only problem is that it sends back mortal souls to Lethe instead of ending their cycle of suffering" She gives a warm smile even if the particular martial arts trivia is disturbing at best.

Fudou the Mountain "And it comes again. It's a cycle. You'd think he'd end it all if that was his goal or even in his power considering his siblings and others but what do I know. I'm just giant drunk strongman."

Fudou grins, full toothed and indeed there is -some- mockery there though it seems as much to himself as it is her. He then glances to Tiziri and acknowledges her before stating, "This one here is much more 'book smart' then I am."

Quite possibly a lie in some ways. He's no sorcerer but Fudou is well versed in matters of lore and the occult. He simply doesn't let on that he is.

"Do -you- think it sounds like a 'death cult'?" he asks of Tiziri

Tiziri "I can't say I have much knowledge of the Immaculate arts. The things of the Princes of the Earth are beyond a mere wandering scholar like me." Yep. Seems Tiziri is letting herself be a scholar right now. She looks over the priestess again, and then back to Fudou.

"Well, I was getting slightly less death cult and more apocalyptic. End of Days and all. Prep for the end which may or may not come in your lifetime but always prove yourself ready for such style. I mean, such could be read as a Death Cult. But there are distinctions if sacrifices aren't being made or demanded. Though the two definitely have some crossover at times. Especially when the one ends up committing mass suicide." She takes a sip before shrugging and looking back to Grave Saint. "Sorry, I get a bit caught up in semantics. That said, there's a certain chill in hearing that difference between Lethe and Obliteration. Might want to reconsider that if you're in frequent contact with your god."

Grave Saint "Obliteration, one of the words used by naysayers when some describe our eternal serenity. It is an age of peace and silence where there is no distinction between the dead and living as ancestors and descendants may live together in harmony" But once the mention of deities comes up, her tone is far more careful.

"I do not talk to Sextis Jylis as if he's a little god in Great Forks for he speaks through the seasons and is far vast. He speaks through the rustling of the forests, the cries of the cicadas....and the poison flowers that grow in an assassin's garden. That's why I believe he has many aspects for like how they can be a creator...they are equally a destroyer. He also has many names and guises that I sadly can't mutter for they are holy names"

Fudou the Mountain "Sounds like a pretty fancy way to describe oblivion to me."

Fudou takes another drink and then turns his jug upside down upon seeing that it's now empty. He frowns and then shrugs.

"Making it sound appealing for people who don't like the idea of continuing on or the world cycling into new season after season..."

He then tosses the jug over his shoulder and offers Grave Saint a smile, "But so be it, I suppose! I don't think you'll find many adherents here though in Great Forks, as she said." he nods to Tiziri, "People are mostly content and even the troubled find solace and refuge here though certainly I have issues with how things are fun. HOw many 'faithful' have you gathered so far, priestess?"

Grave Saint "Oblivion or peace whatever you call it. I am still following the faith I started....I cannot enjoy life anyway" Out of courtesy, she still accepts the drink from the giant even if they disagree right now. "My cult actually started here albeit most of them are downtrodden and those that are "lost" as in those that do not find a purpose in life. Some of them are actually from another Immaculate heresy known as the Intou, which also reveres the ghosts of ancestors. My following maybe small but it is growing for I intend to spread out someday"

"Obviously I do not have rich members for I suspect they are too materialistic to listen to my message anyway so I do not bother. But they will fall to their end anyway like someone seduced by a lover dressed in a veil of tears...ehh I'm bad at poetry anyway" Oddly she stopped halfway with the strange analogy she tried to mutter regarding someome getting seduced by this "veiled lover"." %

Tiziri "For some, the loss of soul is the most horrifying thing possible." Tiziri notes matter of factly, not sounding like she is judging, just saying. "The cycle of life, suffering or not, is something entirely appealing. There's a poetry in suffering, a kernal that creates new things too." She pauses for a moment, then adds. "Of course for others it is indeed as you say, the escape from the eternal cycle means an escape from the bad things that crush them down." She pauses, still getting a bit more thoughtful sounding as she continues, "Then again, that is sort of the point of Lethe, so you forget all the pains of the past life as you step into the next fresh, perchance to find something better, perchance not. Yet unburdened by the past. Yet still 'you' as it were."
Fudou the Mountain "Mmm.."

The goliath seems non committal. Not exactly disinterested but he seems the visible skeptic.

"Well...so it's 'their fault' if they don't adhere to your teachings. Not that the teachings are flawed fundementally speaking. How interesting."

He nods his head to Tiziri and then says, "Ah yes. Lethe. It seems that suffering existing ..is accounted for by there being opportunities to experience life in a new way., Sadly, yes, unburdened from memory of the past life you can't exactly compare and contrast now can you. Still, having hope that you -can- do it again and do better is better then thinknig you've got nothing awaiting you at all. To me at least. Ah well.."

Grave Saint "Even if Lethe washes all suffering and memories, you shall go on that dreadful process for all eternity if you do not want the transcending silence of serenity. I do not see a point in continuing such neverending cycle if that will still happen" She sighs, still persistent in this belief that the cycle of reincarnation must end so this infinite night will come.

The woman then stares at her followers currently busy with handing out invitations to this shrine in the middle of a flower field. "I'll have to leave later, my faithful are preparing for the usual nightly celebrations for it is one of the daily enjoyments I allow. Our temple is in an abandoned shrine in the middle of a spider lily field. Oh I almost forget to introduce my name but it is Bleeding Higanbana"

Fudou the Mountain "Then I bid you fairwell BLeeding Higanbana. Perhaps our paths will cross again. I am called The Mountain. That should be enough for now."

Fudou nods his head to Tiziri and offers her a grin as he rumbles, "I will see you again as well..I am sure.."

With that, he swings his legs over to the other side of th ewall and drops. It must be an actual distance to the next plaza because it takes a few seconds before an audible *BOOM* rumbles through the area.

Tiziri "It seems to me that hope is the unifying factor. Even if the hope is the end of hope - and everything else for that matter" Tiziri says with an impish little grin in a rather deadpan and mischevious voice. then a shrug as she looks up to the sky, taking a deep breath in and saying further. "Hmm, the hour grows later. I have somewhere to be. It was nice speaking to you both." The blue haired young woman says with a quick bow of her head. She finally introduces herself to Higabana in turn as well, "Tiziri." Comes the response. "I cast off my family name. Now I'm just Tiziri, the Ardent Vagabond." She looks over towards Fudou and nods, "If nothing else, I'm sure I'll see you, hard miss and all." Her giggle follows that. "Have good evening." She starts to walk away, holding up one hand in farewell even as she raises the wine to take a sip from her jug in turn.
Grave Saint "I gave up my name too in the name of the old man of the hidden tabernacle" She whispers to herself with a grim tone for she surrendered far worse than simply giving up your name. The priestess then attends to her followers as night is close only to be heralded by the cries of cicadas.