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Lin A fair distance from Great Forks, sheltered within a thick grove of trees, Lin has located a small space large enough to experiment with her sorcery. Far from (most) prying eyes, far from anyone or anything important... this is a perfect place.

It is, however, dusk. The last lights of the daystar are vanishing over the horizon. That isn't working in favor of her desire for secrecy, because... from afar, a sunny glow is radiates from the heart of the grove, shining through the foliage and causing the area to glow faintly against the rest of the landscape, easily drawing the eye. Bursts of colors matching the sunset also flicker and flow through the glow: reds, blue-violets, and gold-orange most prominently.

As if that wasn't bad enough...

The quiet of the wilderness is interrupted by a ferocious echoing THUNDERCRACK and a shockwave bearing enough force to kick up a wind in all directions, and a dusty debris cloud rises into the wind, where it will slowly settle.

Lin herself stands behind a great tree, aglow with Solar Anima, the mark of the Twilight Caste aglow upon her forehead. She's taken shelter behind a great tree - and just in time, because a strange devastated sight fills the center of the grove.

A second great tree appears to have been completely turned to stone, and then... it appears to have exploded. Huge chunks of stone logs are spread around, some more whole than others. Sharp-edged stone leaves have embedded themselves into the ground and into the trunks of other trees like thrown knives, though most shattered on impact...

"Well... the eighty-second attempt at this did NOT go well," Lin laments into the darkness. Or, possibly to the mouse clinging to her shoulder...

Tiziri What for some is a good place to hide... is probably a good place for others. As even exploring a bit further afield might have discovered. Either way, a figure with a rather old looking spear in a style common to the deepest south draped over the shoulders of a young woman who seems to be casually approaching this with no sign of fear. Which given what just happened might be a bit of a surprise to put it mildly! Most mortals and animals would long since have run away from a display such as this.

Meanwhile, hanging back are a handful of other figures in heavy robes similar to the deep deserts of the south, each with a spear too. Though they are definitely a ways back, out of earshot, mostly just... there?

Radiant Heart Princess Ahh the great outdoors. Clean air, no crowds. And best of all a great place to practice her skills as an Lunar exalted. Radiant Heart Princess had taken this time to practice without prying eyes...or at least eyes she can make disappear. Once she finds a safe location within the woods she starts with a little shaping ritual practice. As she starts she hears a loud sound. "Damnit" She said grabbing her things and heading towards the sound's direction.
Lin The approach by the spear-woman and the other traveler doesn't go unnoticed... though the things which notice them are strange indeed. As they nears the tree line, a pair of humanoid... THINGS step out from behind the trees, each armed with a masterfully-crafted but simple spear. These THINGS bear the rough shape of men, but are made entirely of silk. Reams and reams of woven silken threads and fibers wrapped about forming a human-shaped coccoon.

The two poppet-guardsmen, unless interrupted swiftly, will strike at the trees they used as cover with the blunt end of their spears three times in eerie unison before standing together and crossing their spears while facing the young women.

They do not speak, but their body language is clear. This area is under their protection. Still, they have a strangely easygoing vibe to it. They probably won't attack unless they absolutely must.

Tiziri Tiziri pauses as she sees the things appear before her. Her head tilting to the side rather far at that, almost avianlike in many way. "You know, whoever your creator is should make sure others aren't preparing to take their repose in the area first." She says matter of factly, her voice rather languid, lazy sounding even. Despite that, she's not even a bit intimidated by what she's seeing appear before her. "Also, I would like to speak to them. It will be best for both our time." The addition is made.

Tiziri still seems utterly, completely relaxed. Her spear remaining over her shoulders almost like a yoke. It's like she's not even worried if she were suddenly attacked or something. Whether arrogance, confidence, or stupidity? So hard to say.

Lin The silken guardsmen... or whatever they are... are eerie things. They don't breathe or fidget, so they are perfectly still - unnervingly so - for the entire duration of Tiziri's speech. Even afterwards, they don't respond. They... don't have mouths, so they probably can't.

Something does seem to have heard though, because within about ten seconds there's shifting and noise in the woods. The glow within the woods is steadily moving closer... closer... and whatever it is, seems to stop behind some bushes and a large tree.

Lin's voice echoes from the trees as she shouts, "Woodlands and grasslands abound in this region... is there something particular about this one you lay claim to? I can find another... once a little mess has been cleaned up."

It seems that she is trying to avoid showing her face at the moment, but that glow is unmistakably a powerful anima blazing right now. Probably understandable why one would avoid showing her face...

Radiant Heart Princess "Curious." She said looking at the creature, not knowing what to make of it. Then she sees the figure and hears the voice attached to it. After hearing both the figure and the other person who arrived, Radiant would do what she does best, charming them. She gives a smile and a wave. "Hello. I mean you no harm. I simply am out here training, myself." The glow, so it might be another exalted. "If it's all the same to you, might I offer assistance for this "mess"?"
Tiziri "Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a forest near enough to the city to get there easily enough and with trees tall enough to hide an Ivory Orchid Pavillion? I really am quite tired and was hoping to spend a couple days in absolute luxury." The woman's tone remains that sort of weirdly languid and tired expression. Even as the shadowy figures in robes following her start to move a little closer, holding back to the shadows but not exactly making much effort to hide. Weirdly? Even before she could see Radiant Heart Princess, Tiziri suddenly ends up with head tilting again. "We have a guest."

The words the other offers get a raised brow too, and a little giggle. "As I am sure you are now noticing, this is quite... the place to do that." She hasn't looked back, but obviously seems completely unsurprised by it either.

Lin "Ahh..." The answer comes after a short pause. There's more rustling of the branches then... and out steps Lin into clear view, behind the twin silk-poppet guards. She gently raises a hand in gesture at the guards and they move like clockwork to part their spears and each step aside.

Her Caste Mark is still blazing. There's really no mistaking who and what she is. "I did not know this place was so... popular. I'll have to find a different one now, won't I?" She glances over from Tiziri to Radiant Heart Princess and... disbelief shows on her face.

"Um... and who might you be...?"

Radiant Heart Princess She would nod "If you are asking if I am a threat, no I am not....call me Heart. Let's just say I familiar with others like yourself." She said pointing to her forehead. "Just not quite as bright."
Tiziri "I feel I can say the same." Tiziri says, almost defeatedly in a weird way. "After tonight at least. Or tomororw. Something. Maybe I'll need to just camp under the stars." She sighs. "Not the worst night, but not silken sheets to make the Empress jealous." She almost seems to be pouting.

Tiziri looks back at Radiant Heart Princess a moment then too, "You are certainly bold." She squints just a little bit, or maybe that's just her half lidded eyes looking tired. "Also, quick to reveal things that may sometimes be best hidden."

Lin "I've already revealed far more than I wish to for random passerby." Lin declares in an obviously irritated voice. She's almost glaring at Radiant Heart Princess. Almost.

"There are rumors going around in the city right now which would not bode well for anyone who might be labeled Anathema, and keeping this glow down is an ongoing effort in frustration. Please don't make me regret being too kind." She heaves out an exasperated sigh and then beckons the two forward. "My entourage will not accost you, don't worry." She begins to head back into the foliage and towards the center, the poppet guards hiding once more behind trees as lookouts...

Radiant Heart Princess "I've noticed. Don't worry, I don't intend on making your kindness be missplaced." She looked over at Tiziri. "Well I got noticed by both of you before I could properly prepare. Since you actually have seen me, no sense in subterfuge. At least for now."
Tiziri "Given who is here, I doubt much aside a fully armed and very well prepared Wyld Hunt could cause much threat. Though a lot of damage, and you have expended effort." Tiziri yawns rather widely. "It was the rest which makes me realize my Pavillion might be a mistake tonight, despite not wanting to walk back to the Inns in the city." She rues.

Then to Radiant? "If you don't threaten us. You're safe." She adds as well. Only now does she really shift a bit to study the other person a bit more carefully.