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Amilar Ereyo The docks of Great Forks are busy as usual on this bright afternoon. Moving through the bustling crowds is never an easy feat anywhere in the city, but at the docks, one has to be wary of stepping into the way of heavy carts, or cargo-hauling workers.

For this reason, Ereyo keeps close to her bodyguards, a single fang of Lookshyan soldiers who do their very best to make space for her, and watch out for thieves daring to sneak up to the Dragon-Blooded.

The sorcerer-engineer and her detachment slowly make their way from ship to ship, stopping at each and asking around to talk to the captain or their second-in-command. It very much seems like they're searching for something - or someone?

Lintha Sennong Bakunawa There is a redheaded man dressed in a pirate's attire in the docks. However he has inhuman marks in him such as gills, red eyes and shark like teeth. Possibly heritage from beastmen or something else entirely. After all Great Forks is no stranger to godblooded children from the myriad divinities here. It seems he is waiting for someone here. "Ah I see someone referred to me here. I had to come here through a Stormwind Rider"

He sighs although traveling from across parts of Creations can be tedious. "Do you need escorts in the Southeastern sea? I wonder why a nation in the Scavenger Lands wants to seek something far from their homes"

Amilar Ereyo At first, when the stranger approaches Ereyo, he has difficulty reaching her - the five guards are alert and immediately move to intercept hin. But his words still carry to the Dragon-Blooded, who turns to throw a quick, dismissive glance into his direction.

...only to almost immediately turn towards Bakunawa again. This time, her focus doesn't shift away from him that easily. Instead, she eyes him up and down thoroughly. After this, the Air aspect orders her soldiers to stand down and marches up to comfortable talking distance to the man at a brisk pace.

"Good day", she greets him with a military-style gesture, a slight bow, one hand placed over her fist at chest height. "No, I'm not looking for an escort. But if you know your way around the docks, you might be able to help. There are rumors about a very capable mercenary captain from the Dreaming Sea. Supposedly, he visits Great Forks sometimes. Have you heard anything about him?"

She watches his reaction with a stern, impassive face. The look is ruined by dark circles under her eyes, an obvious tell of sleep deprivation.

Lintha Sennong Bakunawa "Well you're looking at him right now. Name is Bakunawa. Would have told my full name but it's a moutful" He introduces himself to the Lookshyans but he sees them with distrusts. "Hopefully you aren't much trouble like the Prasadis. Self righteous bastards attacked us because me and some of my crew had uh...a certain heritage" He didn't exactly have good experiences with the Realm much less their strongest satrapy in the Southeast but hopes Lookshy will be different.

"Why are you seeking me out?"

Amilar Ereyo Bakunawa's harsh words about the cousins in Prasad elicit a bewildered look from Ereyo. Her eyebrows shoot upwards. She doesn't appear to take offense, though, despite her slight frown. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Captain Bakunawa. I... can see why you would harbor grudges against devout followers of the Pure Way. Rest assured, I'm not one of those. I've been hoping to discuss a business matter with you, or at least pay you for information." She tries for a friendly smile to defuse the situation a bit. "It's quite loud and busy out here." She has to raise her voice to be heard at all, even at this short distance. "There's a decent teahouse not far from this spot. It only gets crowded in the evening. Would you accompany me there? Drinks are on me."

Although she only wears a casual uniform and doesn't exactly appear to be gird for battle, the Dragon does carry her curved sword - even though it's sheathed, someone who has experience with swords or daiklaves in particular could tell that the blade in the scabbard is far too long and heavy for a mundane weapon.

The escort carries mundane curved swords, and blue lamellar armor with the mons of Gens Amilar engraved on the front and back. The looks they give Bakunawa are much less friendly, but they keep their hands off their weapons - for now.

Lintha Sennong Bakunawa "You're seeking me for information? I wonder what it's for." He wonders why they aren't hiring him but pays him for information instead. "Sure I'd like to go to the teahouse even if I prefer alcohol. Hope they have turmeric tea" Bakunawa mentions as he follows the dragonblooded to the tea house.

Even if he distrusts Shogunate successors, he is impressed by the weaponry of the soldiers. "Originally my men were from the West but got into a different ocean thanks to a freak accident in a bordermarch" He mentions as he walks with them

Amilar Ereyo Progress is slow, despite the escort's best efforts to make way for them. Citizens of Great Forks are not as easily intimidated by the mere presence of the Chosen - in most other cities and anywhere the Realm or other Dragon-Blooded empires hold sway, the fact that Ereyo displays markings of an Exalt would have been enough to cause a ruckus and let the crowd part for her.

"I don't know about tumeric tea, but they certainly serve alcoholic beverages", says the Lookshyan with a slight smile, then gives Bakunawa a very curious look. "A freak accident, you say? The Wyld is nothing but freak accidents. I had no idea it could displace someone to the other side of Creation. That's... really fascinating."

Suddenly, a very different thought seems to cross her mind, and she looks suddenly embarrassed: "Oh, please forgive my rudeness... I completely forgot to introduce myself. I'm Amilar Ereyo, wai tan-junai of the Seventh Legion of Lookshy."

She pauses for a moment as their destination comes in sight: A colorfully painted building with paper lanterns dangling from the eaves of its low roof. The sign above the door, written in several different tongues, proclaims the establishment's name: "The Rusty Anchor".

Inside, they easily find an unclaimed table. Two of the guards accompany them, while the other three remain outside. Ereyo wasn't mistaken; an assortment of flasks with presumably alcoholic contents stands arrayed on a large rack behind the bar, where the proprietor is busy serving rice wine to a group of sailors.

Lintha Sennong Bakunawa "it's a ginger like plant commonly found in the Southwest. Usually made into tea or ingredients for a West and Southwestern dish called satay." He says as not everyone in Creation has heard of obscure ingredients. "But alcohol is fine. And yes, the Wyld is freak incident incarnate but it's better than getting punished for assisting a slave rebellion in my old city of Bluehaven"

Once they arrive, he orders rice wine to sate his thirst. Now he awaits what they seek from him. "So why are you interested in me for information?"

Amilar Ereyo Ereyo sits cross-legged on the low table, facing Bakunawa. She has ordered green tea with roasted rice, nothing else. Both drinks arrive shortly, as the teahouse keeper doesn't need to pay attention to too many patrons at once.

After thinking carefully for a few moments, the Dragon-Blooded answers with an air of calm determination: "I don't have any ties to the Dreaming Sea. You, on the other hand, are rumored to have traveled its perilous waters and made quite a name for yourself. My request might be rather unconventional for a mercenary such as you... I guess."

She hesitates. Another small frown appears, and she pinches the bridge of her nose, as if hoping this gesture would dispell her doubts. "But maybe you won't be able to help me at all. Who knows?" A deep breath, then she finally asks the question she's been delaying for so long: "How familiar are you with Ysr?"

Lintha Sennong Bakunawa "You want to speak to me about the empire of sorcerers? I'm familiar with them...since one of my friends is a sorcerer prince himself albeit a godblood. He's one of my uh very close friends in those local waters" He gulps the rice wine although he sort of blushes briefly when he mentions this mere "friend" of his. "My village of Rahuraja is near Ysr's borders although dangerously close to the Far side thanks to stories of Gigantes raiders"

"Admittedly their society is not my type even if I'm a sorcerer myself, since I do not like caste systems nor slavery from what I hear about. But my friend is a good person despite the empire he's from"

He takes a cigar from his pocket and smokes. "Anything specific you want to know about the empire?"

Amilar Ereyo While Bakunawa talks, Ereyo's eyes widen slightly - she doesn't try to hide her astonishment, nor her fascination. There's also a very visible hint of doubt. "Are you telling me that you have ~befriended~ one of the elusive sorcerer-princes of Ys...?", she asks incredulously. "And on top of all of it, you are a sorcerer yourself?"

Now she really regards him with immense curiosity, even leaning forward a bit to get a closer look - to which her bodyguards, who have taken up position at the wall nearest to their table, react with disapproving stares. Of course, they aim those stairs at the mutant, not at their charge.

"There are two possible options I can think of", continues Ereyo after a short, but tense pause. "Either you're making this all up on the spot to get on my good side and coax me into paying you a lot of money for nothing, or... there really is much more to you than meets the eye, and I am incredibly lucky to have gotten hold of your before your departure." Her eyes met his directly, and he can see almost imperceptible sparks of lightning dance in her lilac irises. "Do ~not~ take me for a fool, Captain Bakunawa." She doesn't raise her voice, but sits up straight, dropping all hints of a smile. "If what you are saying really is true, then I am going to present you with the problem I need a solution for. But I have to be certain. Do you have proof?"

Lintha Sennong Bakunawa "I'll summon a first circle demon if you want me to. I did mention I came here through a Stormwind Rider after all" He sighs but understands why she thinks he is merely giving bullshit. "I will even arrange an invitation in meeting with my friend sadly even with a Cirrus Skiff or a Stormwind Rider, it will take some time"

He then orders another glass of rice wine as his glass is now empty. "Well if you don't believe me, you don't have to pay me"

Amilar Ereyo Again, a pause. Ereyo takes a long sip from her tea while her gaze searches Bakunawa's face, scrutinizing, alert for any hint of treachery or mockery. One can almost see the gears turning in her head, behind that deep frown that now appears.

"If you can prove yourself able to cast Stormwind Rider, that would be quite enough for me. No need to resort to infernal summoning", the Lookshyan says in a low, calm voice. There's a different spark in her eyes now - or rather, a metaphorical sparkle. The frown slowly fades away. She must have seen something in his body language, or heard something in his voice, that caused her to believe his outrageous claims.

"If that friend of yours would be willing to meet with me in private, I would even arrange travel all the way to the Dreaming Sea myself if I have to. But he should know that what I am going to ask of him - and of you, by extension - is a very dangerous thing." Grim determination settles in her features. "I want to enter the city of Ysyr. Not the place where they keep foreign visitors. The ~actual~ city. And I want to leave it again, of course - all while avoiding detection."

Another sip of tea as she awaits the Captain's answer.

Lintha Sennong Bakunawa He breathes in relief as the dragonblooded believes his truth. "Good, I'll try to arrange a meeting with him. His name is Radamantus and if you notice white hair and eyes with lightning, it's because the god that sired him was a storm deity. Of course we will come here through Stormwind Rider in case you still need some proof we are both sorcerers" He describes his friend while making it extra sure they are telling the truth.
Instead of being scared of the possibility of infiltrating Ysr, he expresses some interest in it. "I don't know why you are seeking to go within Ysr but I am interested in assisting you"
Amilar Ereyo "I am not going to tell you at this point." Her expression appears pained for a moment, then Ereyo nods approvingly. "Thank you for your assistance. If you know how to summon the Infallible Messenger, feel free to contact me that way. If not, you may reach me by delivery of a letter to my personal assistant at the Violet Meadow's office of correspondence. Take care to not mention anything about our deal when doing so - simply state where we should meet, and when, and I am going to arrange my schedule around that."

She quickly finishes her tea, then leaves enough money on the table to cover the bill, plus a small tip. When she rises, she repeats the same military greeting as before. "I look forward to our next meeting, Captain. Farewell for now." There is no particular warmth in her voice, but she makes an honest attempt at sounding polite and respectful.

After that, both the Dragon and her guards leave the docks quickly.