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Volken the Titan Getting a message to someone isn't as difficult as one might assume. The right questions asked. The right palms greased. The right individuals hired...and word travels and an individual targetted especially if they are unique enough to stand out and be noticed and sought for if one is looking for them.

And so, a word is given towards one Ereyo of Lookshy. The great exigent of strength is looking to have a word with her concerning a matter she may be able to assist him with and to find him upon the docks to discuss it if she's willing.

The directions towards a walled off warehouse are given and though one may wend and wind their way through less reputable sections of the dock to get there, only the most foolish would attempt anything on her ...and it would seem those most foolish are not present, perhaps having already been chased off by the presence of the titanic Exigent.

The hour is in the early evening so good light persists though the Daystar is making its way towards the utter west bit by bit...and all is quiet near the warehouse entrance.

Amilar Ereyo It might have been wise to come here with an escort, given that not all of the city's disreputable elements are human by nature. Most shrine gangs would still think twice about trying to extort prayer from a Dragon-Blooded, especially a scion of the Seventh Legion, though.

Besides, Ereyo already had an opportunity to experience what marching into through this busy district with an entire fang of soldiers in tow feels like, an experiment that she came to regret. So she chose to leave her house guard at home, but certainly not her daiklave, and not her lantern of black steel, in which she carries the ember of her Virtuous Guardian of Flame. Better safe than sorry, as the popular saying goes.

After descending into the labyrinth of streets, she finally emerges from a narrow alley. The Dragon hesitates for a bit, squinting at the building with unveiled scepticism. "What a peculiar for a meeting", she mutters. Cautiously, one hand clutching the hand of her blade, she follows the walls. There's got to be an entrance somewhere... or does Fudou expect her to scale the walls?

Volken the Titan There is indeed an opening. A 'Fudou' sized hole in the wall that she comes across after rounding a corner. Rubble lies strewn about and the faint hint of dust wafts through the air still as if this is but freshly made.

Beyond the hole the large warehouse building itself sits, crates scattered here and there along with large barrels and other stacks of good. All undisturbed save for one set upon which is perched a massive shape, back facing away from Ereyo. At first glance it's easy to see this as the famed Exigent of Strength, for some reason having broken into this place and then deciding to take a seat atop a large shipping container. The size is similar after all. One would likely have to compare the two side by side to see the nuances of the differences of scale and proportion. However....as the behemoth lifts up, huge back widening and body seemingly enlarging as he straightens and then slowly turns towards the entrance....it becomes clear that this is -not- Fudou.

"Greetings..." rumbles Volken, slowly and simply. If there was any similarity to these behemoths in visual cues...it all vanishes once he talks. His demeanor rather unlike the bombastic Exigent by numerous degrees.

"You've come..."

Amilar Ereyo Ereyo takes a good, long look at the gaping hole, then waves the dust aside with a simple gesture, stirring the air into rapid motion, and peers through the opening at the seated figure beyond. She hesitates, forehead creasing into the inevitable frown that she so readily displays when she comes across a mental challenge. Something must have felt off to her, even before the hulking giant turns around and reveals himself to her.

At the familiar, yet decidedly unwelcome sight, her eyes widen dramatically, and most of the color drains from her face. There's not a shred of doubt that she remembers Volken, the Titan Breaker, and that the memory is not a wholesome one.

The Air aspect draws in a shaky breath. Sudden gusts of wind, emanations of her own emotions, whip her flowing hair around. The grip around her daiklave's hilt tightens, knuckles going white.

At first, she looks poised to... simply bolt, like she did after that ill-fated encounter at the roadside in. But in the end, she doesn't run. Maybe it's his demeanor that gives her pause - the fact that he hasn't try to ambush her, or attacked her right away.

"You", she manages. "You have some nerve... What do you want?"

Volken the Titan "I know." responds the giant, tone even and stoic as he sits back down, now facing her. His body rests but he seems still coiled somehow, as if ready to spring forward or away if need be. His expression is neutral and restrained, brow lowered and eyes narrowed faintly as he peers at her from beneath the shadows of his hat.

"..You wouldn't have come otherwise. It was you who told me about the Exigent of Strength. I thought it a clever way to get your attention. I'm not usually very clever so I have you to thank for the idea..."

He gestures faintly for her to come closer and fully enter the courtyard. "Are you so upset to me, who has done you no harm?"

Amilar Ereyo The Dragon-Blooded is silent for a good, long minute, during which she occupies herself by looking, ~really~ looking, at his face, his body language. Whatever she sees there, it doesn't quite convince her to abandon her defensive stance, let along allow herself to relax - but neither does the fiery wisp in her lantern stir from its watchful slumber.

She gives it a dubious look, then takes a slow, measured step forward, through the gap in the wall, and places her back against the brickwork. Still, she remains close to the hole, right at the edge, and doesn't move further towards the massive man.

Indeed, "upset" matches her facial expression most closely. After pressing her lips into a thin line, she finally replies: "I commend you on using my own preconceived notion against me. That ~was~ a clever deception, but you must have been prepared for the inevitable moment when it would fall apart." Despite her confident words, her voice sounds shaky. No, not just her voice... the entire woman is shaking noticeably. "You answer my question first", she adds icily. "Then I answer yours."

Volken the Titan The Titan Breaker looks long on her as she speaks and remains silent after she speaks. His ponderous way of communication should be clear to her by now, given their past memorable encounter and it would appear that little has changed there. She must wait for him to gather his thoughts and consider his words and so wait she shall.

Then the giant says, matter of factly, "Yes." in answer to her first comment, "Of course I knew it wouldn't last. Would that not suggest...that I had just cause to see you again....knowing the potential results of doing so?"

He lets that linger in the air for a few seconds before finally saying, "..I have a message for you. One that was given to me to deliver. A letter. I have not read it because I was never taught to read. However..it was very important that you have it and they seemed to lack either the courage to give it themselves. Or perhaps they had compassion which is why it was given to me to do it..."

The last part, perhaps an odd thing to say, but the giants expression remains stoic and reserved. No sarcasm or joke intended.

Amilar Ereyo Those words don't actually reassure Ereyo. In fact, she now looks even more unnerved and shaken. Still, the fact that Volken hasn't decided to crush her like a bug yet, and the sheer absurdity of his task, is enough to coax a hoarse, strangled laugh out of her. It doesn't sound particularly mirthful.

"You... were given a letter. For me." The frown shifts into incredulously raised eyebrows. "But... why? This is... weird? Extremely so. Who sent you, and why did they choose to entrust ~you~, of all people, with such a delicate task?" She swallows, hard, then quickly adds: "I'm simply stating this as a fact... You are not exactly a ~subtle~ messenger, your dangerous nature notwithstanding."

Volken the Titan "Subtlety was, perhaps, not a goal in and of itself." considers the giant. "I suspect that all involved are more entangled, so to speak, then it first appears."

Volken reaches into the depths of his jacket, "That we have crossed paths in an unusual way. I don't claim to understand all of the nuance but I will do what was asked of me and keep my word... What you do with it at that point is up to you. I will merely add that I suspect you have piqued the interest of the one I am here on behalf of and that we both have drawn some possible conclusions about you based on our meetings."

He removes a bag from the depths of his coat and then tosses it her way so she does not have to come closer towards him.

Amilar Ereyo "Ominous", concludes Ereyo darkly, now frowning again. Without letting Volken out of her sight, she snatches the bag out of the air, finally letting go of the daiklave's hilt to do so. But she makes no move to open it, not yet. Instead, she opens the flap of her shoulder bag, a bit awkwardly, using the same hand now holding Volken's "delivery", and drops it inside.

"So you're not going to tell me who the one who asked you to bring this to me actually is. I can hardly force you to reveal it." A heavy sigh. "You chose to do this out of your own volition? Let me be perfectly clear: I did not wish to see you again, ever." Bitterness displaces some of the distrust in her tone. Her shoulders slump down a bit. Not nearly enough to make her appear relaxed. "Please... leave. Now."

Volken the Titan "No."

The answer is simple and straight to the point though, perhaps at first unclear as to what he is saying 'no' to.

"I will not leave." he says simply. Well that answers that.

"I answered your question now you answer mine. Why are you mistreating me so when I've done nothing to you but save people on the road at your request and then dined with you?"

His eyes narrow slightly as he looks at her, expectantly.

"What is your justification?"

Amilar Ereyo The Air aspect sets her jaw and looks Volken straight into the eye. Hers are dark purple now, the color of thunderheads. She looks poised to cross her arms in front of her chest for greater effect, but that seems hardly feasible while holding a lantern. Instead, the Lookshyan settles for an accusing finger, pointing in his direction. It's not like she could miss.

"You know perfectly well what that is. We even talked about this... back at the inn. I am Dragon-Blooded, and a soldier of the Seventh Legion. You are Anathema to the natural order, and a threat to the security of the River Province, which I am sworn to protect. Others would have hunted you down. I've already shown you all the kindness I have to give to one who has welcomed a demon into his soul." She gnashes her teeth. "I don't owe you anything."

Volken the Titan "I see.." says Volken simply...

"So you're doing it...because you were told to do it, not because....you know it's right."

He nods his head a few times as he rubs his jaw in thought. "I suspected as much but....I had hoped...you had the ability to think for yourself, not unlike the rest of your ilk. The ability to see what was infront of you and not tradition. Strange. But, disappointing. Twice now for you, isn't it? Yet two times and yet on either occasion you have yet to consider if you should shake your world view and learn for yourself. I wonder, how many times will it take?"

Those words said, the giant begins to slowly stand, looming up to his full height and then hopping forward to land heavily upon the ground by the crates he'd been perched on. The earth rumbles at his impact and he then straightens up once more and dusts his coat off while turning to face her directly.

Amilar Ereyo Ereyo looks appalled at his words, his judgement - insulted, even. But as soon as he begins to move, her expression instantly switches to alarm, and she slips back outside through the gap, beyond his immediate reach... or so she hopes. With her hand on the daiklave again, she watches him warily, muscles tensed to spring into action, should she have to move quickly.

"You're mistaken", she snaps. "I ~know~ it's right, because I've seen..." She pauses briefly, as if the words got stuck in her throat, then forces them out: "I've seen what your kind can do. Accusing me of mindlessly following orders... you have some nerve!" Her voice rises with every word, ceasing just short of a shout.

"Don't you ~dare~ speak to me like this! I chose to keep quiet about our previous encounter, because you used your ill-gotten power to aid people. I don't feel ~good~ about neglecting my duty, but I was willing to compromise - for your sake!"

Lightning briefly flashes in her eyes before she continues in a flat, cold tone: "We are going to part ways now. You will let me leave, and I'm going to pretend I never saw you. ~Again~."

Volken the Titan "I dare." repeats the Zenith as he takes a step forward.

"You've 'seen'..." repeats Volken, tone stoic and unmoved in stark contrast to her rage. He rubs his jaw in thought and then muses, "I wonder if our guess is correct.."

He gives her a sidelong glance and then says simply, "You've seen more then just 'that'. You've also seen 'this'. 'This' and 'That'. The two must co-exist because you've seen both. Yes?"

He taps his head, "Use this." He then tap his heart, "And use this. Until you do. Mindlessly obeying your fears and doctrine...you will continue to do.."

He takes a few heavy steps in her direction now, his expression showing the lightest of frowns as he does, "That same feeling that led you to compromise. Follow it. Use it. Or not. That is up to you."

WIth that, he begins a steady approach for the hole in the wall he made. "Pretend if you wish. I go towards Nexus next... Goodbye for now."

There's another pause as he approaches the large hole and then he adds, "....We will meet again, without a doubt.."

And then he's gone, into the darkness of the streets.